'An opinion or conception formed in advance of adequate knowledge or experience, especially a prejudice or bias.'
basically, to have your own opinion of what is and isnt art
the five areas of art are ancient art, modern art, art of the Americas, art of Africa and the African diaspora, and medieval renaissance and baroque art.
Painting, sculpture, graphic art, textile art, ceramics, installation, land art, video art, computer art......
The etymology of art is the history of art
applied art
Art is not a luxury.
Let's avoid our preconceptions regarding this new plan.
Prejudice is a negative attitude or feeling toward a person or group based on preconceived ideas or beliefs. Prejudice often stems from preconceptions that are formed without sufficient evidence or rational consideration, leading to biased judgments and discriminatory behavior. Both prejudice and preconceptions can influence how individuals perceive and interact with others.
sylvia plath
Sociology is the study of society and social behavior, so it involves understanding social structures, interactions, and institutions. It often focuses on how individuals are influenced by their environment and larger social forces. Sociology also examines issues related to culture, inequality, and power dynamics within societies.
critical thinking
A mirror that has preconceptions would likely be a metaphorical concept referring to a person who tends to see things in a particular way based on their biases or beliefs before even looking at the situation objectively. It implies a tendency to filter reality through a subjective lens influenced by existing opinions or judgments.
People in the U.S. are getting increasingly diverse, requiring people to rethink their preconceptions of others.
being critical about the experiment they do!
It is impossible to totally eliminate bias, since it is to a certain extent built in to our language and patterns of thought. However, by examining those preconceptions and being aware of them, we can minimize bias.
If she has an intact hymen it is broken. And she loses her virginity other than that there is no change in the girl other then possibly a change in attitudes and preconceptions.
People like certainty. And many people like certainty that conforms with and reinforces their preconceptions. When the Theory of Evolution came along, it challenged people's preconceptions about where we came from and, for some, seemed likely to undermine their Christian faith. This is demonstrated by the wife of the Bishop of Worcester, who said after she heard about Origin of the Species: "Descended from the apes!" My dear, let us hope that it is not true, but if it is, let us pray that it will not become generally known."For more information, please visit: http://christianity.answers.com/theology/the-story-of-creation
the five areas of art are ancient art, modern art, art of the Americas, art of Africa and the African diaspora, and medieval renaissance and baroque art.