The nights in mirkwood are dark, dangerous, and mysterious. The dwarfs can't light fires because of the eyes all around, and they could be risking their lives.
There were forest elves living in Mirkwood. There were also large spiders nesting in the forest.
Fat Bombur.
Mirkwood is a deep, very large forest. It is populated by nasty creatures that peer out with large eyes at night. There is nothing there that can be eaten. Sunlight does not penetrate through the heavy foliage.
Rivendell, Lorien, and Mirkwood.
In the Hobbit, King Thranduil of Mirkwood, the Wood Elves' king, liked his wine from Dorwinion. His wine was also imported by the Elves of Mirkwood in barrels down the Forest River from Long lake.
Very dark.
The nights in Mirkwood are dangerous and wicked. You can’t light fires because you will be watched by giant spiders.
Sauron's stronghold in Mirkwood was Dol Guldur, or "Hill of Sorcery" in Sindarin.
Nights Like These was created in 2003.
There were forest elves living in Mirkwood. There were also large spiders nesting in the forest.
Nights Like This was created on 1989-06-08.
Gandalf is in Mirkwood, at the fortress of Dol Guldur. He went there with the White Council to drive the Necromancer out of Mirkwood.
the necromancer
Legolas was the son of the Elvenking of Mirkwood, King Thranduil, and thus is technically a prince, though he is never titled as such in either book or film.
well there is new york nights,paris nights and las vegas nights
mirkwood forest