If you are refering to mythological witches they come in many forms and as such your question is impossible to answer. Normally though, witchcraft is considered a religion (Wicca) and/or cult while humans are a race. In this example your question isn't just impossible to answer but is actually impossible to ask. It would be like asking what a half christian, half human is called.
A Sphinx
InuYasha is half-demon because his father was a demon and his mother was a regular human.
Yes, because she is half human
some demons are half angel they are called "half-breeds".
HALF DEMON OF COURSE! she said that she likes him the way he is so of course she marries him when he is a half demon!
Human Dragons are creatures that are half human half dragon. Usually these creatures are genetically engineered through mutation, some are born like these bizarre thing, while others were normal human beings that made them different from every one else.
Half human-half dog is called a youkai. half human-half fox is called kitsune
A half fairy and half human is typically referred to as a "half-faerie" or "half-fey".
There is no fantasy creature that is half horse half human and NOT called a centaur.
it is a centaurs
A Sphinx
A "werewolf".
A zac
before dragons were called dragons they where called worm...why? that i dont know i simply know they were known as worms before they were called dragons.