

Best Answer

i really liked becoming Jane, pride and prejudice, shaggy dog, the kid, no reservations, princess diaries 1 2, prince and me 1 and 2, Penelope, a Cinderella story, another Cinderella story, like mike,

all the home alones, Harry Potter 123. nanny mcphe, miss congeineality { i thnk} NIGHT at the museum, battle of the smithsonian,national treasure,sister hood of the traveling pants only the first,
Well, if you are into action and fantasy I recommend The Sorcerer's Apprentice and the first 3 Harry Potterfilms. bob the builder is pertty good i recomend it

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Horton Hears A Who - It is rated G, but it is still very funny.

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βˆ™ 17y ago

Uncle Buck with John Candy is the first that come to mind

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Rush Hour, Longest Yard, Meet The Fockers...

hope this helps :)

Year One, Dumb and Dumber, Big Daddy (Lots of Adam Sandler Movies)

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Bruce Almighty, Dumb and Dumber, The Break Up just to name a few.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Grown ups,

Blades of Glory,

Forrest Gump,

That is it :)

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The Johnny English Series r pretty nice and funny.

Jack and Jill by Adam Sandlers.

Mr Bean movie.

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Q: What are good pg 13 comedy movies?
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Which movies is more funny?

There are several funny movies out their, Grown Ups is an excellant comedy, and is rated PG 13.

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What do you get to do when your 13?

Go to PG 13 movies

Is the Iron Man movies g rated?

no its PG-13

Are all of The Twilight Saga movies PG?

No, the Twilight Saga movies are PG-13.

Why do PG rated movies exist?

They are for kids that can't watch PG-13 movies

What are good Movies for ten year olds?

It depends... im 12 and i watched pg-13 movies when i was 10, but it depends on the parent and the child. I would say, I love you Beth cooper or, remember me, might be alittle extrem but other pg-13 movies are good.

Why does mega mind have to be the good guy?

Because, that's what happens in movies that small kids can watch. It happens in every G, PG, and sometimes PG-13 movies.

Were there PG-13 movies back in 2006?

Yes. The PG-13 rating was created in 1984.

Should PG thirteen movies to PG ten?

Heck, Yeah!! I'm ten and I've watched a ton of PG-13 movies.

Is there such thing as pg 15 movies?

No. Just 'PG' and 'PG-13'. Then it jumps to 'R'.

Do you need to be 13 to walk into PG-13 rated movies?
