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No. Just 'PG' and 'PG-13'. Then it jumps to 'R'.

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Yes there is.

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Q: Is there such thing as pg 15 movies?
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What are James Bond movies rated?

PG 12 15

Is there such thing as pg14 movies?

No, in the United States only G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17.

Are PG movies inappropriate?

How could you think that pg movies are not some cartoon movies are pg so defiantly not

Are all of The Twilight Saga movies PG?

No, the Twilight Saga movies are PG-13.

Why do PG rated movies exist?

They are for kids that can't watch PG-13 movies

Should PG thirteen movies to PG ten?

Heck, Yeah!! I'm ten and I've watched a ton of PG-13 movies.

Are pg movies suitable for twelve year olds?

Yes because I've watched about 30 pg movies.

Is there such movie rate as PG-9?

There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9. There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9.

What is Gossip Girl rated in the US?

It's on TV so it would be rated 15+ in movies more like PG-13.

Is the Iron Man movies g rated?

no its PG-13

Why do pg movies back in the 80s swear?

'PG' had more leeway before 'PG-13' was adopted in 1984.

What movies are rated A that is a horror movie?

There is no movie in existence that is rated A. There is only G, PG, PG-13, and R. You can watch PG-13 movies as long as you are 12 yrs. old, or older. G and PG movies can be seen by anyone, no matter how old you are. For example, Bambi, The Lion King, and Cinderella are all G movies. Kung Fu Panda is rated PG, along with the new movie, Rango. R movies are for people 18 or older. The movies may contain inapropriate violence, or others of that sort.