Because, that's what happens in movies that small kids can watch. It happens in every G, PG, and sometimes PG-13 movies.
You can say the F word twice in a pg 13 movie
'G'. Parents would have to approve 'PG', 'PG-13' or 'R'.
It is considered PG. But it is a pretty nasty movie. I've watched it when I was 7/8. So maybe 10-up. However, shortly after this film came out, the PG-13 rating came into existence, signifying that if this film was released a little later than it was, it would more than likely have gotten that rating.
Yes. There are no age restrictions for G, PG and PG-13 movies. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a parent to see a PG-13 movie if you're under 13. PG-13 means parental guidance is suggested for kids under 13. That's "suggested," not "mandatory." The only age restrictions are for R and NC-17 movies.
PG 12 15
No, in the United States only G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17.
How could you think that pg movies are not some cartoon movies are pg so defiantly not
No, the Twilight Saga movies are PG-13.
They are for kids that can't watch PG-13 movies
Heck, Yeah!! I'm ten and I've watched a ton of PG-13 movies.
Yes because I've watched about 30 pg movies.
There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9. There is no such thing a PG-9, there is G, PG, Pg-13, and R. So therefore there is no such thing as PG-9.
It's on TV so it would be rated 15+ in movies more like PG-13.
no its PG-13
'PG' had more leeway before 'PG-13' was adopted in 1984.
There is no movie in existence that is rated A. There is only G, PG, PG-13, and R. You can watch PG-13 movies as long as you are 12 yrs. old, or older. G and PG movies can be seen by anyone, no matter how old you are. For example, Bambi, The Lion King, and Cinderella are all G movies. Kung Fu Panda is rated PG, along with the new movie, Rango. R movies are for people 18 or older. The movies may contain inapropriate violence, or others of that sort.