Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori. The two youngest are Fili and Kili. Thorin is royalty.
Thorin dies in the Battle of Five Armies.
Fili and Kili, brothers, are Thorin's sister, Dis' children. Hence they are his nephews. They die beside Thorin in the Battle of Five Armies. Oin and Gloin are brothers, and Gloin also has a very important son, Gimli who plays a crucial role in The Lord of the Rings. Dwalin and Balin are brothers. Balin attempts to retake Moria and is slain by a goblin scout as he gazes into the Mirrormere. Dori, Ori, and Nori are brothers and all survive the book. Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur are the last dwarves. They are relatively minor characters except for Bombur. He has a significant role in the fact that he is so fat and is a special friend to Bilbo. His weight creates several hardships when he has to be carried or lifted by ropes.
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Dwarves are the oldest race on middle Earth, created by a Valar (the higher of the two orders of angels, assistants to the creator Eru Iluvatar himself) called Aulë. Aulë was impatient, and did not want to wait for Iluvatar's creations, wanting something he could teach his skills to.
Though admonishing Aulë for his presumptive act, Eru gave life to Aulë's creations, this is something Aulë himself could not do. However he demanded that they would sleep until his own creations had inhabited the world.
Dwarves are short, stocky humanoids, often bearded. They are proud and stern, but as their existence is closely tied to nature (like the elves) they can be incredibly stubborn and slow to act. They love mining and smithing, and are sometimes accused of being greedy. Sauron's plan to control them with his rings of power failed due to their intractable nature, however it indirectly caused the fall of the dwarven kingdoms, each king greedily building sizable hoards of gold, attracting dragons to conquer their fortresses and claim the gold as their own.
Bilbo Baggins is the only hobbit in The Hobbit. The rest of the main characters are dwarves, wizards, men, elves, and a dragon.
There are very few humans in The Hobbit. The Master of Laketown and Bard are the two that are named, the others are simply referred to.
Thorin Oakenshield, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Oin Gloin, Ori, Dori, and Nori.
In The Hobbit, the dwarves names were Fili, Kili, Oin, Gloin, Thorin Oakenshield, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, and Ori, so there were 13.
Kili, Fili, Dwalin, Balin (old one), Oin, Gloin , Bombur (the fat one), Bifur, Bofur, Ori, Dori, Nori, Thorin (leader, actually older than Balin).
The movies do not tell why the Dwarves are hated in The Hobbit and The Hobbit DoS. However, it is believed that past wars and experiences are the reason the Dwarves are hated.
The dwarves are Bilbo's friends for most of the Hobbit.
The elves in "The Hobbit" did not know how the dwarves could have travelled there. They thought the barrels were all empty.
It is the most prized jewel of the Dwarves
Smaug doesn't recognize the scent of Hobbit, although he knows what dwarves and men smell like.