I dont know all the names but theirs the Uchiha's, Hyuuga's, Inuzuka's, Yamanaka's, Sarutobi's, Haruno's, Namekaze's, Sabuku, Uzumaki's, Hatake's, Akamichi's, and I cant really remember the rest but here's a website that'll tell u more
on link below
you should try www.imeem.comand type in Where_can_you_watch_Naruto_shippuden_all_episodeand whatever episodeand also youtubetailedfox.com has all Naruto Shippuden in high resolution as well as all downloads to all Naruto and Naruto Shippuden episodes
i would try Funimation.com, Vodpod.com tailedfox.com has all Naruto Shippuden in high resolution as well as all downloads to all Naruto and Naruto Shippuden episodes including http://www.tailedfox.com/page-naruto-shippuden-140
This list covers tools and weapons used in Naruto
Naruto comes from the Uzumaki clan which aren't known to have Dojutsu so it would be safe to say Naruto has no Dojutsu.
All I know is that it should be in Naruto Shippuden and his father is the fourth hokage the father of naruto is yondaime....the fourth hokage
it isn't a device at all it is the Uzumaki clans symbol almost every character has it.
Naruto does not belong to any clans Yes, he does. The Uzumaki clan. It's mentioned in manga 500.
yoshiga azayaki is a legendary ninja that can do the rasengan i think only ninjas that learn acient ninja arts they know about him chidori is real actuly all jutsus from naruto is real ther all ecient ninja arts chidori was actuly created by a guy named kakashi cool and all clans from naruto there legendary so every thing from naruto is real.
no clans in maldark conqueror of all worlds are not real
Its about the clans of cats fighting to survive and the care of the clans.
the only people who have sharingons are the uchia clans. by the way the strongest shirangon is called thr rinnagin(rin-a-gin)
After all the clans left the forest Sasha went back to being a rogue.
Tsunade's full name is Tsunade Senju. She comes from the Senju clan, one of the founding clans of Konohagakure in the Naruto series.
If you mean Warriors secret editions than yes. 1st- Secrets of the clans 2nd- Cats of the clans 3rd- Code of the clans all of these are already out The new ones soon to be realesed 4th- Battles of the clans 5th- Allegiances of the clans
yes!!! naruto and umm....... naruto shippuden moron
It is the best for all cursors and naruto