

Best Answer

rolled tortilla chips with lime and spicy stuff

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Q: What are Takis chips?
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Related questions

Are takis chips?

yes they are like tortia chips

Are takis considered chips?


What is the best chips ever?


What is the most popular chips?

Takis is mostly the most popular chips

What will happen if you eat takis?

Takis Fuego chips are very spicy, so be prepared!

What is the company name that makes Takis chips?

It's the Barcel Company that makes Takis.

Where do you find takis hispanic chips?


What is the spiciest type of chips?

i think takis

What will happen if you eat takis fuego?

Takis Fuego chips are very spicy, so be prepared!

Is takis chips bad for pegnacy?

They are okay in moderation.

What company is takis chips from?

i have no idea! but taki is GOOD!

is takis hot?

Takis are considered spicy chips, but some people may say it is not due to different tastebuds.