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Yes, he could and he held a long conversation with Bilbo. Bilbo unknowingly gave a lot of information that he shouldn't have and Smaug revealed a weakness.

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Wargs (which are large wolves), Eagles, Giant Spiders, and Smaug the dragon or wyrm.

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Parseltongue, the language of snakes. Once the part of Lord Voldemort's soul inside Harry was destroyed, his lost this ability.

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yes , a eagle with horse assent

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Q: What animals can talk in The Hobbit?
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No dragons can resist riddle talk

Why did Gollum talk to himself in The Hobbit?

He is not talking to himself, he is referring to the ring which is "my precious".

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When was Talk to the Animals created?

Talk to the Animals was created in 1967.

Who could Dr dolittle talk to?

Dr. Doolittle could talk to the animals.

What is a website for 'The Hobbit'?

{| |- | The Hobbit is not available legally on line. Reviews and excerpts can be found on most of the book sellers' sites. There are many fan sites that talk about the books. There will be numerous sites about the upcoming movie as well. |}

Is there a book about animals who can talk?

Well, there are fictional books about animals who can talk, but that is cartoon. In real life there is no such thing as talking animals.

Why do you think animals play such a big part in the book The Hobbit?

Because in the end Bilbo turns into a horse and the animals he was nice to in the begining of the book help him to transform back.

What are the ratings and certificates for Talk to the Animals - 1993?

Talk to the Animals - 1993 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Do animals swear?

animals can not talk there fore they can not swear

Do deers talk?

No. Animals but parrots talk. Deers talk in their own language.

What is a hobbit house called?

A hobbit barrow is referred to as a 'smail.'