Mung Dall in the Head Chef at The Catering Company. He took in chowder, a young Bear cat rabbit mixture who loves to cook and eat in as an apprentice. Mung is married to Truffles, a fairy with a short temper, and Mung also hired a rock monster named Schnitzel, who's vocabulary consists of only RADDA but in some episodes, he speaks english, for example, The Trouble With Truffles. The Gang goes on numerous adventures, and pretty much everyone on the show has a food name such as... Chowder- The Soup Mung Dall- Some Indian Dish Truffles- The Candy Schnitzel- The German thing Panini- The Sandwich Thing Endive- No Idea Gorgenzola- Have heard of it, but not sure what is is Gazpatcho- The Cold Soup So that's a rundown on what will be one of the best shows on earth for a good long time. Thanks for reading
Yes Chowder has parents but they will not show up on the show until Chowder is 18 years old. Mung Daal is his mentor.
He's a (rips off shirt and shows pecs) MAN!!
Oh honey, that joke was a classic! Shnitzel told Mung, "Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!" It's a cheesy joke, but hey, it got a chuckle out of me!
no schnitzel does not hate Chowder, but Chowder does annoy him a lot.
Knock knock who's there cham chowder cham chowder who i love cham chowder it's delicious
Mung Daal is not a food he is chowder's chef who teaches him and loves the ladies.
In the show Chowder. The Apprentice name is Chowder
Mung Daal, truffles, Schnitzel and on occasion Gazpacho.
Yes Chowder has parents but they will not show up on the show until Chowder is 18 years old. Mung Daal is his mentor.
I don't know that but, there is a Chowder episode called "The snail car" where Mung Daal get's a new snail car.
Mung Daal , Shnitzel , Truffles , Gazpacho , Panini , Ms. Endive , Kimchi and Gorgonzola . Suhvejay
He's part boy, cat, bear, and rabbit. That's what the wisdom tooth says in one episode. He has cat tail,bear fat body,rabbit ears,and is a boy.
chowder and some of it is mung
i think he's.......50!
Mung Dahl lol its eezi noob
பயத்தம் பருப்பு (payaththam paruppu)
Panini .