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I think you have to be at least twelve to read it. Bella and Edward do have sex- it doesn't go into details or anything, but it happens and plays quite a big part- and Bella gets pregnant. Also, the storyline is really quite complex and could be difficult to understand for younger readers.

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16y ago
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14y ago

The age restrictions for the film adaptation of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn have yet to be decided.

Rumours however have suggested that it will be a PG13 in the US, and a 12 in the UK.

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14y ago

There are a few sensitive topics, so maybe around 12 or 13 and older.

I would say older, because it's kinda violent and you might have nightmares....?? JK I'd say 13+

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13y ago

I think that you should be about 12 or 13 to read Breaking Dawn. When I read it at that age I knew my younger sister who was 10 shouldn't read it yet.

Hope it helped!!

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14y ago

The book"Breaking Dawn" came out June 26 2009. Pretty much it's 1 year and 6 months

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12y ago

i thing 14 plus is fine

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Q: What age will The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn be?
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No, the Twilight Saga is appropriate for your age group. Well Breaking Dawn might be a little bit unsuitable.

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The age restriction for film adaptation of The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn is yet to have been announced. Rumours however suggest that the film may be given a PG13 in the US and a 12 in the UK.

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Its a 12A

What age rating or cert is Breaking Dawn?

According to the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the 2004 movie Breaking Dawn, in the USA, is rated R for some violent images and brief nudity. If you are referring to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, that movie is scheduled for a 2011 release and probably won't be certified until about a week before its premiere.

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i have read all the books. and yes in the breaking Dawn book Jacob does fall in love with Edward and Bella's baby. and because Jacob will not age (being a werewolf and all) he becomes a friend to their child and hopes to be more as she grows up. Edward is against the idea but starts to warm up to it.

Is 'Twilight' out yet?

Yes.Yes, all of the books in The Twilight Saga are avaiable in paperback or hardcover. But, however, it costs a little bit more for a copy of the book in hardcover because it is more dense and protective of the pages and book. Twilight is was released in theaters on November 21, 2008 but now is not in theaters anymore. The DVD for the movie was released on March 21, 2009.The Twilight Saga: New Moon was released into theaters on Novemeber 20, 2009 but now is probably taken out. The DVD was released on March 20, 2010.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will be released on June 30, 2010 and will be the first Twilight Saga move released to IMAX. The DVD release is currently unknown.The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn release date to theaters is defiently currently unknown. The DVD release date is unknown as well. Flimmakers say that there might not even be a Breaking Dawn because the content at the end is a little bit inapproirate for the current PG13 age group. Also, it would be too long so they might even break it up into two parts. Any information on Breaking Dawn is currently unknown, except that the release dates will probably be in 2011, following the pattern of the other movies in the saga.

In The Twilight Saga can 2 vampires have a kid?

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