The cast of The Dude - 2011 includes: Eddie Daniels as Eddie Daniels Jeff Dowd as The Dude
The cast of Postal 2 - 2002 includes: Gary Coleman as himself Vince Desiderio as himself Rick Hunter as The Postal Dude Kimberly Kaye James Reeves Limm Sueii Stacie Treumann as Females Tim Wambolt as John Murray
The cast of Movie Date - 2013 includes: Tyler Bruhn as Audience Member Giovanni Capitello as Dude Christiann Castellanos as Baby Girl Jacqui Holland as Actress Jason Horton as Jason Page Kennedy as Jealous Boyfriend
The cast of Crash Course - 2008 includes: Sabrina Chimaera Lauren Del Rio Victoria Gamme Antonia Laffite Nadine Torres
Samuel Sida has: Performed in "Time for Your Treat" in 2011. Played Tony in "Mobile Money" in 2011. Performed in "Because of Market Conditions" in 2011. Played Antoine in "Train Station Dude" in 2013. Played Stealing cutomer in "Two Brothers and A Girl" in 2013.
When the dude said "The Dude abides.", he meant that he (Himself) will wait patiently.
The cast of Come on In - 2011 includes: Mitch Brinkman as The Dude
The cast of Dude We Gotta Make a Movie - 2011 includes: Ava Johnson as Daughter 1 Aurora Johnson as Daughter 3
The cast of Living Contrast - 2011 includes: Matthew Adkins as Party Dude Emily VanBrocklin as Party Guest
The cast of A Day on the Death Star - 2011 includes: Leah Hoffman as Commander Dmitri Kuliev as Storm Trooper Dude
The cast of Second Opinion - 2011 includes: Jason Adkins as College Dude Kristen Nedopak as Angel Dane Storrusten as Devil
The cast of Mr. Considerate - 2011 includes: Erik Hamamoto as Skater Dude Michele Kanan as Cafe Friend Alexandra Lenas as Girl
The cast of The Dude - 1923 includes: Jimmie Adams Virginia Vance
The cast of Feud with a Dude - 1968 includes: Larry Storch
The cast of Another Day in Hollywood - 2011 includes: Zachary Foulkes Stephen Sullivan as Cool Dude Timothy Whitfield as Director Voice
The cast of The Dude Cowboy - 1912 includes: Edward Coxen as Dick - the Dude Cowboy
The cast of The Bloody Dude - 2009 includes: Tony Trombo as Meako
The cast of Dude Rancheroos - 1949 includes: Art Gilmore as Narrator