The cast of Pilla Nachindhi - 1999 includes: Brahmanandam Srikanth Srinivasa Rao Kota
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The cast of Jeevanaadi - 1970 includes: Lakshmi Major Sundarrajan
The cast of Paagalpan - 2001 includes: Aarti Agarwal as Roma Pinto Sparsh Agrawat as Young Sunny Pinto Ramakrishna as Clerk Bharat Dabholkar as Jack Pinto Iqbal Dosani as Insurance Lawyer Joy Fernandes as Sunny Pinto Darshan Jariwala as Malpani Farhan Khan as Bunny Pinto Prema Kiran as Macchiwali Sunil Kocharekar as Young Arun Pinto Raj Nair as Inspector Wagh Rajat Nath as Lawyer Karan Nath as Sameer Malhotra Talat Rekhi as Mr. Malhotra Harvey Rosemeyer as Harry Pinto Premendra Sharma as Chief Accountant Sambhavna Sheth as Deepa Malhotra Bakul Thakker as Inspector Vasant Vilas Ujawane as Arun Pinto
The cast of Black Hawk Down - 2001 includes: Kofi Amankwah as Somali Kid Eric Bana as Hoot Chris Beetem as Joyce Orlando Bloom as Blackburn Ewen Bremner as Nelson Ty Burrell as Wilkinson Norman Campbell Rees as Ranger Gabriel Casseus as Kurth Kim Coates as Wex Hugh Dancy as Schmid Ron Eldard as Durant Treva Etienne as Firimbi Giannina Facio as Stephanie Shughart William Fichtner as Sanderson Tac Fitzgerald as Thomas Steven Ford as Cribbs Lee Geohagen as Somali Son with Gun Carmine Giovinazzo as Goodale Ioan Gruffudd as Beales Tom Guiry as Yurek Tom Hardy as Twombly Josh Hartnett as Eversmann Jason Hildebrandt as Jollata Danny Hoch as Pilla Charlie Hofheimer as Smith Jason Isaacs as Steele Zeljko Ivanek as Harrell Corey Johnson as U.S. Medic Boyd Kestner as Goffena Kent Linville as Othic Matthew Marsden as Sizemore Ewan McGregor as Grimes Abdibashir Mohamed Hersi as Somali Spy Glenn Morshower as Matthews Enrique Murciano as Ruiz Johann Myers as Somali Father Jeremy Piven as Wolcott Joshua Quarcoo as Somali Kid Michael Roof as Maddox Brendan Sexton III as Kowalewski Sam Shepard as Garrison Tom Sizemore as McKnight Gregory Sporleder as Galentine Richard Tyson as Busch Brian Van Holt as Struecker Ian Virgo as Waddell Pavel Vokoun as Briley
It is important to note that the events depicted in the book and movie titled Blackhawk Down are based on the very real events of the First Battle of Mogadishu (also called the Battle of Black See--for the neighborhood in which most of the fighting took place) that occurred 3 & 4 October 1993.Personalities Portrayed in the Movie (2001) Blackhawk Down:75th Rangers:PVT Clay Othic - Played by Kent LinvillePVT John Wadell - Played by Ian VirgoPVT Mike Maddox - Played by Michael RoofPFC Richard "Alphabet" Kowalewski (Casualty) - Played by Brendan Sexton IIIPFC Todd Blackburn - Played by Orlando BloomCPL Jamie Smith (Casualty) - Played by Charlie HofheimerCPT Mike Steele, the commander of Bravo Company, 3rd Ranger Battalion - Played by Jason Isaacs.SPC Dale Sizemore - Played by Matthew MarsdenSPC John "Grimesey" Grimes - Played by Ewan McGregor, based on John Stebbins.SPC Lance Twombly - Played by Tom HardySPC Mike Kurth, the ground radio and telephone communications operator- Played by Gabriel Casseus.SPC Shawn Nelson, a squad gunner - Played by Ewen Bremner.SGT Dominick Pilla (Casualty) - Played by Danny HochSGT James Casey Joyce - Played by Chris BeetemSGT Keni Thomas - Played by Tac FitzgeraldSGT Lorenzo Ruiz (Casualty) - Played by Enrique MurcianoSGT Mike Goodale - Played by Carmine GiovinazzoSGT Scott Galentine - Played by Gregory SporlederSFC Kurt "Doc" Shmidt - Played by Hugh DancyLT John Beales - Played by Ioan GruffuddLTC Danny McKnight, the commander of the 3rd Ranger Battalion - Played by Tom Sizemore.Delta Force:SSG Daniel Busch (Casualty), a sniper flying on Black Hawk Super Six-One - Played by Richard Tyson.SFC Jeff Sanderson - Played by William FichtnerSFC Norm "Hoot" Hooten - Played by Eric BanaSFC Randy Shughart (Casualty), a sniper flying on Black Hawk Super Six-Two - Played by Johnny Strong.MSG Gary Gordon (Casualty), a sniper flying on Black Hawk Super Six-Two - Played by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau.MSG Tim "Griz" Martin (Casualty) - Played by Kim CoatesLTC Gary Harrell, the commander of Delta Force, based on Joint Deputy Commander Gary Harnell - Played by Željko Ivanek.LTC Joe Cribbs - Played by Steven Ford160th SOAR Night Stalkers:CW2 Clifton "Elvis" Wolcott (Casualty), the pilot of Super Six-One - Played by Jeremy Piven.CW2 Donovan "Bull" Briley (Casualty), the co-pilot of Super Six-One - Played by Pavel Vokoun.CW3 Michael Durant (Captured), the pilot of Super Six-Four - Played by Ron Eldard.LTC Tom Matthews, the commander of 1st Battalion, 160th SOAR - Played by Glenn Morshower.Tech. SGT Timothy A. Wilkinson, United States Air Force Pararescue - Played by Ty BurrellMaj. GEN (Ret.) William F. Garrison, the commander of Task Force Ranger, Mission Commander of Operation Gothic Serpent - Played by Sam Shepard.Osman Hassan Ali "Atto" (Cismaan Xasan Cali Caato) Somali warlord, affiliated with the Somali National Alliance - Played by George Harris.Yousuf Dahir Mo'alim, the Somali Militia Group Leader - Played by Razaaq Adoti.Abdullah Firimbi Hassan, Somali War Chief, propaganda minister of Warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid, and captor of CW3 Michael Durant - Played by Treva Etienne.Not Portrayed in the Movie:SFC Earl Fillmore (Casualty)SPC James Cavaco (Casualty)SGT Casey Joyce (Casualty)SSG William Cleveland (Casualty)SSG Thomas Field (Casualty)CW4 Raymond Frank (Casualty)PFC James Martin Jr. (Casualty)Characters of the Book:PVT Adalberto Rodriguez - Ranger, assigned to a humvee in the main ground convoy.PVT Ed Kallman - Ranger, driver of a Humvee in the main ground convoy.PVT John Waddell - Ranger rifleman assigned to Chalk Two and witnessed the first helicopter crash.PV2 Mark Good - Medic assigned to Chalk Four.PFC Carlos Rodriguez - Ranger assigned to Chalk One, ran to assist and defend Super 61 at the crash site.PFC Clay Othic - Assigned to the ground convoy in the initial assault. Was with Kowalewski when he was killed.PFC Jason Moore - Radio operator assigned to Chalk Four.PFC Kevin Matthews - Ranger assigned to the vehicle platoon.PFC Richard "Alphabet" Kowalewski - Ranger, driver of a five-ton in the main ground convoy.PFC Todd Blackburn, member of Chalk Four. Fell 70 feet to the street when he missed the rope jumping from the insertion chopper.PFC Tory Carlson - Ranger assigned to a humvee with the main ground convoy in the initial assault.CPL Jamie Smith - Ranger, wounded by a bullet in the upper thigh. Died in battle from his injury.Chief Signalman John Gay - Navy SEAL assigned to Task Force Ranger. He was in the initial ground convoy.QFC Homer Nearpass - Navy SEAL who rode with the ground convoy.SPC Aaron Hand - Ranger, assistant driver and gun for a five-ton in the ground convoy during the assault.SPC Dale Sizemore - Ranger, waiting to DEROS.SPC Dave Diemer - machine gunner for Chalk Four.SPC Eric Spalding - Assigned to the ground convoy in the initial assault.SPC James Cavaco - Assigned to the ground convoy in the initial assault.SPC John "Brad" Thomas - Ranger assigned to Sgt. Streucker's humvee. Held his friend SGT Pilla when he died from battle injuries.SPC John Stebbins - Ranger, assigned to Chalk One, ran to support and defend Super 61 at the crash site.SPC Peter Squeglia - Ranger company armorer who volunteered to join the fight on a ground convoy after Super 61 and 64 were shot down.SPC Phil Lepre - 10th Mountain Division, volunteered for the rescue effort.SPC Rob Phipps - Ranger, roped down from the combat search-and-rescue Blackhawk to Super 61 crash site.SPC Shawn Nelson - Ranger, Machine gunner for Chalk Two.SPC Steve Anderson - 21-year-old Ranger, injured on one of the earlier missions in Mogadishu. (Detailed, left behind at the base).Tech SGT Tim Wilkinson - Air Force Parajumper.Tech. SGT Scott Fales - Air Force Parajumper, team leader with the airborne Search and Rescue team.SGT Aaron Williamson - Assigned to Chalk One.SGT Alan Barton - Ranger assigned to the airborne Combat Search and Rescue Team.SGT Bob Mabry - Delta Force medic at Super 61 crash site.SGT Chuck Elliot - Machine gunner, Chalk One.SGT Dominick Pilla - Machine gunner assigned to SSGT Jeff Struecker's humvee. First American to die in the battle when he was shot in a humvee racing to evacuate a wounded Ranger.SGT James ''Casey'' Joyce - Member of Chalk Four.SGT Jeff McLaughlin - Team leader on Chalk Four.SGT Jim Telscher - Ranger, roped in with Chalk Four. While with the main convoy, he ran into heavy enemy fire to extract wounded CPL Casey Joyce from the street where he had been shot.SGT Kevin Snodgrass - Machine gunner assigned to Chalk Four.SGT Lorenzo Ruiz - Assigned to the ground convoy in the initial assault.SGT Mike Goodale - Assigned to Chalk One.SGT Raleigh Cash - Ranger with the vehicle platoon (Detailed, left behind at the base).SGT Scott Galentine - Assigned to Chalk Four.SGT Tommy Field - crew member aboard Super 64.SSGT Bill Cleveland - crew member aboard Super 64.SSGT Charlie Warren - Crew chief on Super 61.SSGT Dave Wilson - Assigned to the ground convoy in the initial assault. SSGT Wilson was one of only two African-American soldiers on the mission, and was slured as a traitor by the locals.SSGT Ed Yurek - Ranger, team leader assigned to Chalk Two.SSGT Jeff Struecker - Assigned to the vehicle platoon in Mogadishu. Led multiple convoys into the battle.SSGT John Burns - Ranger with the main ground convoy.SSGT Matt Eversmann - Leader of Chalk Four.SSGT Ray Dowdy - crew chief on Super 61.SFC Al Lamb - Ranger, roped down from the combat search-and-rescue Blackhawk to Super 61 crash site.SFC Bart Bullock - Delta Force medic assigned to Chalk Four.SFC Bob Gallagher - Platoon sergeant assigned to the Ranger vehicle platoon.SFC Chuck Esswein - Delta Force, assigned to the vehicle platoon.SFC Glenn Harris - Medic assigned to Chalk Four.SFC Matt Rierson - Delta Force team leader who stormed the target house and captured 24 prisoners.SFC Paul Howe - Delta team leader who stormed the target house.SFC Randy Shughart - Delta sniper aboard Super 62.SFC Sean Watson - Leader of Chalk Three.Delta Steve - Delta Force soldier, who led the team of Delta soldiers inserted by chopper and stormed of the target house. Did not want to be identified.MSG Gary Gordon - Delta Force sniper on Super 62.MSG Tim ''Grizz'' Martin - Delta medic.CWO Cliff Wolcott - Pilot of Super 61, the first Blackhawk shot down.CWO Dan Jollota - Blackhawk pilot who flew the Combat Search and Rescue team.CWO Donovan Briley - co-pilot of Super 61. First Blackhawk shot down in the battle.CWO Karl Maier - Copilot on Star 41.CWO Keith Jones - Pilot of Star 41, the MH-6 "Little Bird" that dropped Delta assaulters on the target building and landed at the first crash site to rescue two men from wrecked Super 61.CWO Michael Durant - Pilot of Super 64. Shot down, and captured. Sole survivor of Super 64.CWO Mike Goffena (Deceased) - Pilot of Super 62.Flew air cover over Mogadishu for ground troops and downed choppers.CWO Ray Frank - co-pilot on Super 64.1LT Larry Perino - Leader of Chalk One and second-in-command to Ranger Commander, CPT Mike Steele.1Lt. Tom DiTomasso - led Chalk 2 to the northeast corner of the target house.CPT Mike Steele - commander of the Rangers assigned to the task force, roped in with Chalk One, and was the commander of the Chalk teams that roped in at the target house.LTC Bill David - ground commander of the 10th Mountain Division's Quick Reaction Force.LTC Danny McKnight - Commander of the ground convoy in the initial assault.LTC Gary Harrell - Delta Force ground force commander, monitored the fight from the C&C chopper over Mogadishu.Maj. GEN William F. Garrison - Commander of Task Force Ranger.Abdikarim Mohamud - Secretary for a U.S. firm that provided support to military forces in Mogadishu under U.N. command.Abdiaziz Ali Aden - 18-year-old Somali who lived in the house clipped by Blackhawk Super 61 as it crashed.Ali Hussein - A Somali shop clerk working at a pharmacy in southern Mogadishu.Kassim Sheik Mohamoud - Owned a garage in Mogadishu, hid when the fighting began. Risked his life to bury the dead while the fighting continued.Mohamed Farrah Aidid - Leader and Warlord of the Habr Gidr, the focus of Operation Gothic Serpent.Omar Salad - Political adviser of Aidid. Primary target of the Oct. 3 raid and was captured.Mohamed Hassan Awale - foreign minister of Aidid. A target of the Oct. 3 raid. Captured.Abdullahi "Firimbi" Hassan - Propaganda minister for Aidid, stayed with and protected Durant after his capture.Yousef Dahir Mo'Alim - Militia leader of the group who shot down Super 64 and captured Durant.Ali Hassan Mohamed - Somali combatant.
Ameeta has: Performed in "Abe Hayat" in 1955. Played Bela in "Munimji" in 1955. Performed in "Ham Sab Chor Hain" in 1956. Performed in "Badal Aur Bijli" in 1956. Played Shama in "Shirin Farhad" in 1956. Played Geeta in "Dekh Kabira Roya" in 1957. Played Meena in "Tumsa Nahin Dekha" in 1957. Performed in "Bada Bhai" in 1957. Performed in "Zamana" in 1957. Performed in "Sanskar" in 1958. Played Gopi in "Goonj Uthi Shehnai" in 1959. Performed in "Maine Jeena Seekh Liya" in 1959. Played Saroj in "Teen Ustad" in 1961. Performed in "Piya Milan Ki Aas" in 1961. Performed in "Main Aur Mera Bhai" in 1961. Performed in "Lucky Number" in 1961. Played Sheela Chaturvedi in "Payaase Panchhi" in 1961. Performed in "Pyaar Ki Dastan" in 1961. Played Roshan N. Hussain in "Chhote Nawab" in 1961. Played Reeta in "Ma Beta" in 1962. Played Malti Chandra in "Rakhi" in 1962. Performed in "Mummy Daddy" in 1963. Played Naseemara in "Mere Mehboob" in 1963. Played Laila in "Samson" in 1964. Performed in "Namaste Ji" in 1965. Played Roopa in "Rishte Naahte" in 1965. Performed in "Saat Samundar Paar" in 1965. Played Roopa in "Hum Sab Ustad Hain" in 1965. Played Roopa in "Aasra" in 1966. Performed in "Kunwari" in 1966. Played Sheri in "Around the World" in 1967. Played Laali in "Haseena Maan Jayegi" in 1968. Performed in "Kabhi Dhoop Kabhi Chhaon" in 1971. Performed in "Mera Shikar" in 1973. Played Devout Muslim in "Zulm Ka Badla" in 1985.