The cast of La juventud se impone - 1964 includes: Patricia Conde as Pati Lucy Gallardo as Luisa Los Hooligans as Rock and Roll group Gloria Lilia Aguilera Olivia Michel as Lina David Reynoso as Novio de Lina Mario Sevilla Maricarmen Vela as Marta
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Lina Frank has: Performed in "Wien, du Stadt der Lieder" in 1923. Played Frau Binder in "Die Familie ohne Moral" in 1927. Performed in "Blumen aus Nizza" in 1936. Played Frau Wimberger in "Unsterbliche Melodien" in 1936. Performed in "Der liebe Augustin" in 1940. Played Wirtschafterin bei Dr. Teisinger in "Sieben Jahre Pech" in 1940.
David Cardoso has: Performed in "O Lamparina" in 1964. Performed in "Noite Vazia" in 1964. Played 2nd Rancher in "O Corpo Ardente" in 1966. Performed in "Vidas Estranhas" in 1968. Performed in "Roberto Carlos em Ritmo de Aventura" in 1968. Played Johnny Aleluia in "Os maridos Traem... E as Mulheres Subtraem" in 1970. Played Augusto in "A Moreninha" in 1970. Performed in "Quando as Mulheres Paqueram" in 1971. Played Caito in "A Infidelidade ao Alcance de Todos" in 1972. Played Ronaldo in "Corrida em Busca do Amor" in 1972. Played Caingangue in "Caingangue" in 1973. Played Leandro in "Amadas e Violentadas" in 1975. Played Gilberto in "A Ilha do Desejo" in 1975. Played Rubens in "Dezenove Mulheres e Um Homem" in 1977. Played Peri in "O Guarani" in 1979. Played Tonho in "Cara a Cara" in 1979. Played Tigre in "Desejo Selvagem" in 1979. Played Beto in "Corpo Devasso" in 1980. Played Paulo Villani in "O Homem Proibido" in 1982. Played David Cardoso in "A Noite das Taras II" in 1982. Played Rodrigo in "Corpo e Alma de Uma Mulher" in 1983. Played Delegado in "A Freira e a Tortura" in 1983. Performed in "Viciado em C..." in 1985. Performed in "Viciado em C... II" in 1985. Performed in "Estou com AIDS" in 1986. Played Gato in "O Dia do Gato" in 1987. Performed in "Pedra Sobre Pedra" in 1992. Performed in "Perigosas Peruas" in 1992. Played Pimenta in "Da Cor do Pecado" in 2004.
Los Hooligans has: Played Themselves in "Barridos y regados" in 1963. Played Rock and Roll group in "La juventud se impone" in 1964. Played Themselves in "Los novios de mis hijas" in 1964. Played Los Hooligans in "La edad de la violencia" in 1964. Performed in "El dengue del amor" in 1965. Played Themselves in "Amor a ritmo de go go" in 1966. Played Banda musical in "Dos pintores pintorescos" in 1967.
Some words that start with I and end with E: * impolite * imponderable * impone * importable * importance * importunate * importune * impose * impossible * imposthume * impostume * imposture * impotence * inapposite * incorporable * incorporate * incorporative * indecomposable * indispose * inopportune * insupportable * intercorporate * interpolate * interpolative * interpose * irresponsible * irresponsive
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern -M--NE. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter M and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: ammine immane immune impone
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern I-P-NE. That is, six letter words with 1st letter I and 3rd letter P and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: impone
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern -MP-NE. That is, six letter words with 2nd letter M and 3rd letter P and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: impone
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --PONE. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: depone impone repone
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern I-PONE. That is, six letter words with 1st letter I and 3rd letter P and 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: impone
Patricia Conde has: Performed in "Cielo rojo" in 1962. Played Julia in "El cielo y la tierra" in 1962. Played Maria Ferrero in "Mekishiko mushuku" in 1962. Performed in "El caminante" in 1962. Performed in "Los bravos de California" in 1963. Performed in "En la vieja California" in 1963. Played Patricia in "Yo, el mujeriego" in 1963. Performed in "Dile que la quiero" in 1963. Played Paloma in "Paloma herida" in 1963. Played Kay in "Los novios de mis hijas" in 1964. Played Marta in "Museo del horror" in 1964. Performed in "La sonrisa de los pobres" in 1964. Played Pati in "La juventud se impone" in 1964. Played Nancy in "La edad de la violencia" in 1964. Played herself in "Memoria del cine mexicano" in 1993. Played Arcelia in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Perla in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Leticia Sotomayor in "Rosa Diamante" in 2012.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 34 words with the pattern ---ONE. That is, six letter words with 4th letter O and 5th letter N and 6th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: ancone anyone astone attone azione begone bizone botone bygone colone debone depone ditone enzone evzone gamone hexone impone intone ionone ketone kinone ochone orgone pavone perone pyrone redone repone rezone throne unbone undone upgone
Maricarmen Vela has: Played Secretaria in "El hombre que me gusta" in 1958. Played Empleada in "Te vi en tv" in 1958. Played La Chona in "Kermesse" in 1959. Played Isabel in "Isla para dos" in 1959. Played Cantante in "El joven del carrito" in 1959. Played Blond Motorist in "El hombre y el monstruo" in 1959. Played Estudiante in "Mi esposa me comprende" in 1959. Performed in "El gran pillo" in 1960. Played Bailarina in "Dos locos en escena" in 1960. Performed in "Vivir del cuento" in 1960. Performed in "Las cosas prohibidas" in 1961. Performed in "El mundo de los vampiros" in 1961. Played Secretaria in "Pecado de juventud" in 1962. Performed in "Agente XU 777" in 1963. Performed in "Secuestro en Acapulco" in 1963. Played Marta in "La juventud se impone" in 1964. Performed in "La vida de Pedro Infante" in 1966. Performed in "Un par de roba chicos" in 1967. Performed in "Adriana" in 1967. Performed in "Intriga" in 1968. Played Obrera in "Los miserables" in 1974. Performed in "Mujer, casos de la vida real" in 1985. Played Ligia in "La casa al final de la calle" in 1988. Performed in "Imagen de muerte" in 1990. Played Karla in "Al filo de la muerte" in 1990. Performed in "Entre el amor y la muerte" in 1993. Played Zoila in "Lazos de amor" in 1995. Performed in "Alondra" in 1995. Performed in "Confidente de secundaria" in 1996. Played Madre Superiora in "Alguna vez tendremos alas" in 1997. Played Jesusa in "Tres mujeres" in 1999. Played Sor Emilia in "Rosalinda" in 1999. Played Adelaida in "La intrusa" in 2001. Performed in "Bajo la misma piel" in 2003. Played Esther in "La rosa de Guadalupe" in 2008. Played Carlota Ruiz y de Teresa in "Llena de amor" in 2010. Performed in "El Sastre" in 2010.
Mario Sevilla has: Played Amigo de Alberto in "Un divorcio" in 1953. Performed in "Padre nuestro" in 1953. Performed in "El sindicato del crimen" in 1954. Performed in "Ley fuga" in 1954. Played Comisario ejidal in "Reto a la vida" in 1954. Played Doctor in "El seductor" in 1955. Performed in "Kid Tabaco" in 1955. Played Comandante in "La sierra del terror" in 1956. Performed in "Bajo la influencia del miedo" in 1956. Performed in "Orgullo de mujer" in 1956. Played Pasajero en tren in "Locura pasional" in 1956. Performed in "La huella del chacal" in 1956. Performed in "Camino del mal" in 1957. Performed in "La virtud desnuda" in 1957. Performed in "El bolero de Raquel" in 1957. Performed in "La mujer de dos caras" in 1957. Played Chofer in "Tinieblas" in 1957. Performed in "Asesinos de la noche" in 1957. Played Hermostenes Rojas in "Los muertos no hablan" in 1958. Performed in "Raffles" in 1958. Played Doctor in "El diario de mi madre" in 1958. Played Doctor in "El boxeador" in 1958. Played Amigo de comandante in "Yo... el aventurero" in 1959. Performed in "El toro negro" in 1960. Performed in "Dos hijos desobedientes" in 1960. Performed in "La sombra en defensa de la juventud" in 1960. Played Anunciador in "La casa del terror" in 1960. Performed in "Los laureles" in 1961. Played Doctor Garde in "Carnaval en mi barrio" in 1961. Played Don Vicente in "Chicas casaderas" in 1961. Performed in "Bajo el manto de la noche" in 1962. Played Hombre acuchillado in "Servicio secreto" in 1962. Played Cliente en taxi in "Ruletero a toda marcha" in 1962. Played Man in "Cazadores de cabezas" in 1962. Performed in "Barridos y regados" in 1963. Played Cliente mariachi in "El mariachi canta" in 1963. Played Mesero in "El rey del tomate" in 1963. Performed in "Un tipo a todo dar" in 1963. Performed in "Las bravuconas" in 1963. Performed in "Dile que la quiero" in 1963. Performed in "Los hijos del condenado" in 1964. Played Dependiente de sombreros in "Las luchadoras contra la momia" in 1964. Performed in "La juventud se impone" in 1964. Played Sacerdote in "El amor no es pecado (El cielo de los pobres)" in 1965. Performed in "El asesino invisible" in 1965. Performed in "Vuelve el Texano" in 1966. Performed in "El cachorro" in 1966. Played Hombre en la oficina de Luis in "Juventud sin ley" in 1966. Performed in "El proceso de Cristo" in 1966. Played Doctor in "Gigantes planetarios" in 1966. Performed in "El tragabalas" in 1966. Played Comisario in "Sangre en el Bravo" in 1966. Played Ministro (segment "El Guajolote") in "Los mediocres" in 1966. Performed in "Mi caballo prieto rebelde" in 1967. Performed in "Arrullo de Dios" in 1967. Performed in "Don Juan 67" in 1967. Performed in "La muerte es puntual" in 1967. Performed in "Crisol" in 1967. Performed in "La muerte en bikini" in 1967. Performed in "Retablos de la Guadalupana" in 1967. Performed in "Contrabandistas del Caribe" in 1968.
There are 167 possible words: noumena amnion anomie eonian impone nomina numina panino penman pennia pinnae pneuma unopen amine amino amnio anime anion ennui inane miaou minae monie nomen numen onium opine opium paeon panne penna penni piano pinna pinon union unman unpen unpin aeon amen amie amin anon main mane mano maun mean meno menu meou mien mina mine moan mope moue muni muon name naoi nape neap nema neon neum nine nipa noma nome nona none nope noun omen open pain pane pean pein peon pian pima pina pine pion poem pome pone puma puna unai upon aim ain ami amp amu ane ani ape apo eau emu eon imp inn ion mae man map men moa mon mop mun nae nam nan nap nim nip nom nun one ope pam pan pea pen pia pie pin piu poi pom pun ump upo ae ai am an em en in ma me mi mo mu na ne no nu oe oi om on op pa pe pi um un up