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David Cardoso has: Performed in "O Lamparina" in 1964. Performed in "Noite Vazia" in 1964. Played 2nd Rancher in "O Corpo Ardente" in 1966. Performed in "Vidas Estranhas" in 1968. Performed in "Roberto Carlos em Ritmo de Aventura" in 1968. Played Johnny Aleluia in "Os maridos Traem... E as Mulheres Subtraem" in 1970. Played Augusto in "A Moreninha" in 1970. Performed in "Quando as Mulheres Paqueram" in 1971. Played Caito in "A Infidelidade ao Alcance de Todos" in 1972. Played Ronaldo in "Corrida em Busca do Amor" in 1972. Played Caingangue in "Caingangue" in 1973. Played Leandro in "Amadas e Violentadas" in 1975. Played Gilberto in "A Ilha do Desejo" in 1975. Played Rubens in "Dezenove Mulheres e Um Homem" in 1977. Played Peri in "O Guarani" in 1979. Played Tonho in "Cara a Cara" in 1979. Played Tigre in "Desejo Selvagem" in 1979. Played Beto in "Corpo Devasso" in 1980. Played Paulo Villani in "O Homem Proibido" in 1982. Played David Cardoso in "A Noite das Taras II" in 1982. Played Rodrigo in "Corpo e Alma de Uma Mulher" in 1983. Played Delegado in "A Freira e a Tortura" in 1983. Performed in "Viciado em C..." in 1985. Performed in "Viciado em C... II" in 1985. Performed in "Estou com AIDS" in 1986. Played Gato in "O Dia do Gato" in 1987. Performed in "Pedra Sobre Pedra" in 1992. Performed in "Perigosas Peruas" in 1992. Played Pimenta in "Da Cor do Pecado" in 2004.

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Dadi Pinero has: Played Angel in "Angel and Big Joe" in 1975. Played Mugger in "Looking Up" in 1977. Played Carlos in "Siege" in 1978. Played Chuey in "Night of the Juggler" in 1980. Played Young Writer in "Beat Street" in 1984. Played Edward in "Girlfight" in 2000.

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10y ago

David Pinheiro has: Performed in "A Noiva da Cidade" in 1978. Played (1996) in "Chico Total" in 1981. Played Dentinho de Ouro in "O Tempo e o Vento" in 1985. Performed in "Romance da Empregada" in 1987. Performed in "Natal da Portela" in 1988. Played Armando Volta in "Escolinha do Professor Raimundo" in 1990. Performed in "Barrela: Escola de Crimes" in 1990. Performed in "O Homem Nu" in 1997. Played Sambarilove in "Zorra Total" in 1999.

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10y ago

David Reynoso has performed the following roles:

Performed in "Al diablo las mujeres" in 1955.

Performed in "La tumba" in 1958.

Performed in "La marca del cuervo" in 1958.

Played Picao in "Las tres pelonas" in 1958.

Performed in "La venganza de Heraclio Bernal" in 1958.

Performed in "El zarco" in 1959.

Played Pasuengo in "El puma" in 1959.

Performed in "Los hermanos Diablo" in 1959.

Played Teniente Elizondo in "Sonatas" in 1959.

Performed in "El renegado blanco" in 1960.

Played Juez in "La llorona" in 1960.

Performed in "Venganza Apache" in 1960.

Played Pasuengo in "A tiro limpio" in 1960.

Played Jugador in "El siete de copas" in 1960.

Performed in "Guantes de oro" in 1961.

Performed in "No basta ser medico" in 1961.

Performed in "Que me maten en tus brazos" in 1961.

Performed in "Tirando a matar" in 1961.

Performed in "Rosa blanca" in 1961.

Performed in "Senda prohibida" in 1961.

Performed in "Los inocentes" in 1961.

Performed in "La joven Mancornadora" in 1961.

Performed in "La emboscada mortal" in 1962.

Performed in "Si yo fuera millonario" in 1962.

Performed in "El caballo blanco" in 1962.

Performed in "Camino de la horca" in 1962.

Performed in "La herencia" in 1962.

Played Chato in "Ruletero a toda marcha" in 1962.

Played Pablo in "El charro Negro contra la banda de los cuervos" in 1963.

Performed in "Vuelven los Argumedo" in 1963.

Performed in "Rutilo el forastero" in 1963.

Performed in "Juan guerrero" in 1963.

Played Novio de Lina in "La juventud se impone" in 1964.

Played Padre de Marga in "Mi alma por un amor" in 1964.

Played Police Commissioner in "Museo del Horror" in 1964.

Performed in "Los hermanos Muerte" in 1964.

Played Manuel Iglesias in "Viento negro" in 1965.

Performed in "Alma de mi alma" in 1965.

Played Jaime Rocha in "Aventura al centro de la tierra" in 1965.

Played Don Cenon in "El amor no es pecado (El cielo de los pobres)" in 1965.

Played Pepe in "Guadalajara en verano" in 1965.

Performed in "Un hombre en la trampa" in 1965.

Played Pancho in "Rage" in 1966.

Played Doctor Ramos in "Sangre en el Bravo" in 1966.

Performed in "Tierra de violencia" in 1966.

Performed in "Fuera de la ley" in 1966.

Played Sueco in "Alma Grande" in 1966.

Played Felipe in "Tirando a gol" in 1966.

Played Justo (mayordomo) in "Joselito vagabundo" in 1966.

Performed in "El corrido de Lupe Reyes" in 1966.

Performed in "Domingo salvaje" in 1967.

Played Dimas in "Don Juan 67" in 1967.

Performed in "Simplemente vivir" in 1968.

Played Juan Charrasqueado in "Los amores de Juan Charrasqueado" in 1968.

Performed in "Blue Demon contra cerebros infernales" in 1968.

Performed in "El ojo de vidrio" in 1969.

Performed in "La trinchera" in 1969.

Performed in "Las chicas malas del padre Mendez" in 1970.

Performed in "Flor de durazno" in 1970.

Played (segment "Luisa") in "Tres noches de locura" in 1970.

Played Julio Castro Madero in "Simplemente vivir" in 1970.

Performed in "Las figuras de arena" in 1970.

Performed in "Tres amigos" in 1970.

Played Pancho Villa in "Emiliano Zapata" in 1970.

Performed in "La sangre enemiga" in 1971.

Performed in "Furias bajo el cielo" in 1971.

Performed in "El negocio del odio" in 1972.

Performed in "Amaras a tu projimo" in 1973.

Played Jorge in "El muro del silencio" in 1974.

Played Eufemio in "Las fuerzas vivas" in 1975.

Played Don Martin in "La trenza" in 1975.

Played Don Augusto in "La casa del Sur" in 1975.

Performed in "Los 3 reyes magos" in 1976.

Played Silvestre Vargas in "Mariachi - Fiesta de sangre" in 1977.

Played Gaspar in "La hora del silencio" in 1978.

Performed in "Que te vaya bonito" in 1978.

Performed in "Tarjeta verde" in 1978.

Performed in "Los hijos del diablo" in 1978.

Performed in "Ratero" in 1979.

Performed in "El rey de los tahures" in 1980.

Played Guadalupe in "El medio pelo" in 1980.

Performed in "Semana santa en Acapulco" in 1981.

Played Lorenzo in "El gran perro muerto" in 1981.

Performed in "Las siete cucas" in 1981.

Performed in "Los pepenadores de aca" in 1982.

Performed in "Juan Charrasqueado y Gabino Barrera, su verdadera historia" in 1982.

Performed in "El sexo de los pobres" in 1983.

Performed in "Estoy sentenciado a muerte" in 1983.

Played Inspector Gamboa in "Silencio asesino" in 1983.

Performed in "Los dos carnales" in 1983.

Played himself in "Cine de aliento de los 60, 2da parte" in 1984.

Performed in "Los malvivientes" in 1985.

Played Luis in "Stick" in 1985.

Performed in "Secuestro sangriento" in 1985.

Performed in "El hijo del viento" in 1986.

Played Roberto Rojas in "Herencia maldita" in 1986.

Performed in "La mafia tiembla" in 1986.

Performed in "Los ojos del muerto" in 1987.

Performed in "Yo soy el asesino" in 1987.

Performed in "Bancazo en Los Mochis" in 1988.

Performed in "La guerrera vengadora" in 1988.

Performed in "Lola la taquera" in 1988.

Performed in "La rielera" in 1988.

Played (1989) in "Las grandes aguas" in 1989.

Played Don alfredo (Concierto para mano izquierda episode) in "Cita con la muerte" in 1989. Performed in "Pistolero a sueldo" in 1989.

Performed in "La mafia tiembla II" in 1989.

Performed in "Ni parientes somos - contagio de amor" in 1990.

Performed in "Sor Batalla" in 1990.

Performed in "Cartel de la droga" in 1990.

Performed in "Los tres gallos" in 1991.

Performed in "Narcovictimas" in 1991.

Performed in "La furia de un gallero" in 1992.

Performed in "El corrido de los Perez" in 1992.

Performed in "Mariachi" in 1993.

Performed in "Las mil y una aventuras del metro" in 1993.

Performed in "Un hombre salvaje" in 1993.

Performed in "El nieto de Zapata" in 1993.

Performed in "Clarisa" in 1993.

Performed in "Guerra a muerte" in 1993.

Performed in "Las aventuras de Fray Valentino" in 1994.

Performed in "La risa trabajando" in 1994.

Performed in "Juana la Cubana" in 1994.

Performed in "Fray Valentino II" in 1994.

Played himself in "El misterio de la virgen de Guadalupe" in 2004.

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Q: What movie and television projects has David Reynoso been in?
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