The cast of Hausa fulani - 2006 includes: Shamsiyya Habib Nura Imam Alasan Kwalle Bashir Nayaya Jamila Umar Hajara Usman Amina Yola
The Hausa-Fulani is a blend of two ethnic groups, the Hausa and the Fulani, so it is not a group with a specific number of people. The Hausa are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa, primarily located in Nigeria, while the Fulani are a pastoral nomadic group spread across several West African countries. The total population of the Hausa and Fulani individuals combined is estimated to be in the tens of millions.
There are 4 tribes. they are Yoruba.Ibo,Hausa, and Fulani. hope that helps
Usuman dan Fodio
mande, wolof, hausa, fulani, berber
Ibo, Yoruba, and Hausa Fulani
The 3 Major Ethnic Group in Nigeria are Hausa, Igbo and Yaruba also the most Influential in the Country, Nigeria is located in West Africa and the population is generally 50% Muslim and 50% Catholic. Wrong it`s the Hausa-Fulani,Yaruba Then Igbo
The three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria are the Hausa-Fulani, Yoruba, and Igbo. They make up the majority of the Nigerian population and are spread across different regions of the country.
Shaihu Usman dan Fodio (1754-1817)
Usman dan Fodio