What movie and television projects has Stella Lind been in?
Stella Adams has: Played G. A. R. Bazaar Worker in "The Passing
Parade" in 1912. Played Lily Worthing in "The Lucky Loser" in 1912.
Played Mother Gray in "The Tale of a Hat" in 1913. Played
Undetermined Secondary Role in "The Unhappy Pair" in 1913. Played
Mrs. Del Mar in "The Power of Heredity" in 1913. Performed in "A
Man of the People" in 1913. Played Jennie in "The Girls and Dad" in
1913. Played Jenny Simpkins in "When Cupid Won" in 1913. Performed
in "Under Western Skies" in 1913. Performed in "Teaching Dad a
Lesson" in 1913. Performed in "Her Friend, the Butler" in 1913.
Performed in "A Tale of the West" in 1913. Played The Club
President in "When His Courage Failed" in 1913. Played Mrs. Houston
in "The Girl Ranchers" in 1913. Played Miss Wright in "The Wrong
Miss Wright" in 1914. Performed in "When Eddie Went to the Front"
in 1914. Played Dodie in "Snobbery" in 1914. Played The Model in
"Could You Blame Her" in 1914. Played Mrs. Smith in "Her Husbands"
in 1914. Performed in "She Was Only a Working Girl" in 1914.
Performed in "Twixt Love and Flour" in 1914. Played Silvia in "His
Royal Pants" in 1914. Performed in "Way of Life" in 1914. Played
Stella in "When Bess Got in Wrong" in 1914. Played Mrs. Hermuth in
"The Way of Life" in 1914. Played Gibby Gabby in "Those Persistent
Old Maids" in 1914. Played The Chief of Police in "When the Girls
Joined the Force" in 1914. Played Liza Green in "Scooped by a
Hencoop" in 1914. Played Miss Fish in "It Happened on Friday" in
1915. Performed in "When He Proposed" in 1915. Performed in
"Wanted: A Leading Lady" in 1915. Performed in "A Maid by Proxy" in
1915. Played Mrs. Gray in "Her Friend, the Milkman" in 1915. Played
Miss Dillpickle in "All in the Same Boat" in 1915. Played Miss Dill
Pickle in "His Nobs the Duke" in 1915. Played herself in "Behind
the Screen" in 1915. Performed in "The Heart of Sampson" in 1915.
Performed in "That Doggone Baby" in 1916. Performed in "Inoculating
Hubby" in 1916. Performed in "By the Sad Sea Waves" in 1916. Played
The Principal in "A Leap Year Tangle" in 1916. Performed in "Twixt
Love and the Iceman" in 1916. Performed in "Her Hero Maid" in 1916.
Played Aunt Matilda in "When Aunt Matilda Fell" in 1916. Performed
in "The Browns See the Fair" in 1916. Played Mother in "Cupid Trims
His Lordship" in 1916. Performed in "The Making Over of Mother" in
1916. Performed in "His Baby" in 1916. Performed in "The Wooing of
Aunt Jemima" in 1916. Performed in "Nearly a Hero" in 1916.
Performed in "Some Kid" in 1916. Performed in "His Blushing Bride"
in 1916. Performed in "Never Lie to Your Wife" in 1916. Performed
in "Double Crossing the Dean" in 1916. Played Mrs. West in "Her
Friend, the Doctor" in 1916. Performed in "He Almost Eloped" in
1916. Played Mrs. Green in "Mixed Kids" in 1916. Performed in
"Seminary Scandal" in 1916. Performed in "His Wedding Night" in
1916. Played Stella in "Good Night, Nurse" in 1916. Performed in
"The Milky Way" in 1917. Performed in "Those Wedding Bells" in
1917. Performed in "Suspended Sentence" in 1917. Performed in "A
Gay Deceiver" in 1917. Performed in "Small Change" in 1917.
Performed in "A Lucky Slip" in 1917. Performed in "A Bold, Bad
Knight" in 1917. Performed in "Kidding Sister" in 1917. Performed
in "Almost a Scandal" in 1917. Performed in "Uppercuts" in 1926.
Performed in "Honeymoon Hospital" in 1926. Played Mrs. Coleman in
"The Silent Trailer" in 1926. Performed in "Dr. Quack" in 1927.
Performed in "French Fried" in 1927. Performed in "Swiss Movements"
in 1927. Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Showing Off" in 1927. Played Mrs.
McGinnis in "Society Breaks" in 1927. Played Mrs. McGinnis in
"Passing the Joneses" in 1927. Performed in "A Moony Mariner" in
1927. Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Keeping in Trim" in 1927. Performed
in "Wedding Wows" in 1927. Performed in "Gobs of Love" in 1928.
Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Start Something" in 1928. Performed in
"McGinnis vs. Jones" in 1928. Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Meet the
Count" in 1928. Performed in "Sweeties" in 1928. Played Mrs.
McGinis in "Reel Life" in 1928. Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Indoor
Golf" in 1928. Performed in "Slick Slickers" in 1928. Played Mrs.
McGinis in "A Big Bluff" in 1928. Performed in "Picture My
Astonishment" in 1928. Played Mrs. McGinis in "A Full House" in
1928. Played Mrs. McGinnis in "Horse Play" in 1928. Played Mrs.
McGinis in "Her Only Husband" in 1928. Performed in "Goofy Ghosts"
in 1928. Played Lizzie Williams in "Me, Gangster" in 1928.
Performed in "Hot Scotch" in 1928. Performed in "Single Bliss" in
1929. Performed in "Love Spats" in 1929. Played Mrs. Dowling in
"Polished Ivory" in 1930. Played Landlady in "Prize Puppies" in
1930. Performed in "The Foolish Forties" in 1931. Played Mrs. Smith
in "Bachelor Mother" in 1932. Played Mrs. Fane in "Sister to Judas"
in 1932. Played Georgiana in "The Vampire Bat" in 1933. Played Aunt
Emily van Puyten in "Sing, Sinner, Sing" in 1933. Played
Newfoundlander in "Whom the Gods Destroy" in 1934. Played Minor
Role in "The King Steps Out" in 1936. Played Townswoman in
"Theodora Goes Wild" in 1936. Played herself in "Melissa
Harris-Perry" in 2012.