The cast of Duck Dynasty - 2012 includes: Squirrel as himself Mark Behar as Himself - Duck Commander Halloween Party Guest Clint Bowyer as himself Tim Guraedy as himself Linda Hammit as herself Greg Knead as Himself - Realtor John Luke Robertson as himself Jimmy Red as himself Missy Roberts as herself River Robertson Sadie Robertson as herself Merritt Robertson as herself Lily Robertson as herself Korie Robertson as herself Missy Robertson as herself Mia Robertson as herself Priscilla Robertson as herself Willie Robertson as himself Jep Robertson as himself Reed Robertson as himself River Robertson as himself Jase Robertson as himself Cole Robertson as himself Si Robertson as himself
The cast of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo - 2012 includes: Tyson Jackson as himself Michaela Lackey as Herself - Miss Georgia 2011 Wendy Lee Dickey Wendy Lee Dickey as herself Paisley Scott Dickey as herself Kaitlyn Shannon Anna Shannon as herself Kaitlyn Shannon as herself June Shannon as herself Lauryn Shannon as herself Nigel Sherrod as himself
The cast of Coney - 2012 includes: Alexia Rasmussen as Alice
The cast of Acalanto - 2012 includes: Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
The cast of Presto - 2012 includes: Jackie Dozier as Jacqueline
The cast of The Laytons - 2012 includes: Julia Eve as Catherine Layton
The cast of Loung Ung - 2012 includes: Loung Ung
The cast of The 25th Dynasty - 2012 includes: Grahame Edwards as King Esarhaddon Rez Kempton as Isaiah of Judah Stefano Leonardi as Necho Chris Rochester as King Piye of Kush
The cast of Look - 2012 includes: Puppet A as "A"
The cast of Chayilyam - 2012 includes: Lal
The cast of That - 2012 includes: Jake Kropac as Clown
The cast of How It Is - 2012 includes: Nicholas Wilder as Jameson
The cast of As You Were - 2012 includes: Alexandre Willaume as Lars
The cast of Do You - 2012 includes: Florian Zapra as Gabriel
The cast of Chettayees - 2012 includes: Lal
The cast of The Song - 2012 includes: Uverworld
The cast of Who Are We - 2012 includes: Mongo Taribubu as himself
The cast of Mashed - 2012 includes: Rich Fulcher
The cast of Odete - 2012 includes: Veronica Cavalcanti