The cast of Coney - 2012 includes: Alexia Rasmussen as Alice
The cast of Acalanto - 2012 includes: Luiz Carlos Vasconcelos
The cast of The Laytons - 2012 includes: Julia Eve as Catherine Layton
The cast of Loung Ung - 2012 includes: Loung Ung
The cast of The Dump - 2012 includes: Matthew Currie Holmes as The Yuppie
The cast of Winter Hill - 2012 includes: Nicole Boucher as Christina Brianna Buckley as Eleni Penelope Korff as Georgia Carolena Presto as Edda
The cast of Look - 2012 includes: Puppet A as "A"
The cast of Chayilyam - 2012 includes: Lal
The cast of That - 2012 includes: Jake Kropac as Clown
The cast of How It Is - 2012 includes: Nicholas Wilder as Jameson
The cast of As You Were - 2012 includes: Alexandre Willaume as Lars
The cast of Do You - 2012 includes: Florian Zapra as Gabriel
The cast of Chettayees - 2012 includes: Lal
The cast of The Song - 2012 includes: Uverworld
The cast of Who Are We - 2012 includes: Mongo Taribubu as himself
The cast of Dreams - 2012 includes: Mickey Gaidos
The cast of Circular - 2012 includes: Julie Nymann