I saw a picture of him taken in December, and he was not wearing any ring
Nobody because Steve perry doesn't have a daughter all the things about Steve perry having a daughter are lies.
Yes and so does his sons. They are in a country band called "The Band Perry". They're songs include "if I die young" and "you lie"
They go on your marriage finger.... the one next to your pinky.... on your left hand.
Steve Nathaniel job's hobbies are having hand jobs and noshies.
In the movie it is clearly the left hand. Specifically the index finger (wearing the ring) on the left hand was bitten off. Frodo wore the ring in that scene on the index finger, not the ring finger as might be expected.
No, he isn't.
None. They are not related.
He lives in Del Mar north of San Diego Ca.
Nobody because Steve perry doesn't have a daughter all the things about Steve perry having a daughter are lies.
IDK, but he is now wearing a plain gold band on the ring finger of his left hand.
As of 2014 Steve Perry does not have a wife. He lost the love of his life and girlfriend to breast cancer and is not reported to be dating again.
Answers.com does not give out addresses or phone numbers of anyone, out of respect for their privacy.
Does anyone know what Steve perry had written on his mothers tomb stone? Just want to put it in my collection cuz he is a very special person to me.
the color on the right hand ring is red if not you're looking at the left hand ring
The wedding ring goes on the left hand; the finger next to the pinkie. With some Europeans the wedding ring goes on the right hand.
It goes on the ring finger of the left hand.
Left hand ring finger