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Nobody because Steve perry doesn't have a daughter all the things about Steve perry having a daughter are lies.

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Not true. He does have a daughter.

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Q: Who is the mother of Steve perrys daughter?
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Does Steve perrys daughter sing?

Yes and so does his sons. They are in a country band called "The Band Perry". They're songs include "if I die young" and "you lie"

How old is Katy Perrys daughter?

Katy Perry doesn't have a daughter.

Are there pictures of Steve Perrys daughter?

Pictures of Steve, his daughter Shamira, and his grandchildren at the zoo.

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No, he isn't.

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In Heaven

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yes, Katy perrys mom did date jimmi hendix

Is Katy Perry Steve perry's daughter?

No. She is the daughter of minister's Keith Hudson and Mary Hudson. Perry is her mother's maiden name.

How are is Steve perrys daughter?

This image is the mother of his daughter, I think. She's a model he dated a very long time ago: I do not know her name. No Steve Perry's daughter's mom was not a model. From what I gather from her and close aquaintances she was a fan of journey before they became famous and had a couple of encounters with him. That picture you mention above is of SP GF Robin. Not the mom of his daughter, also from my understanding his daughter was born before SP joined Journey. The mom's family left CA and went back to NC.

What is theBand Perrys relationship from the former frontman of Journey Steve Perry?

None. They are not related.

Where is steve perrys house?

He lives in Del Mar north of San Diego Ca.

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