Mike Rotunda - AKA 'Irwin R Schiester (IRS). He teamed with 'Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBease called 'Money Inc'. He is the father of current WWE star Husky Harris of The New Nexus.
Earlier in his career he teamed with Barry Windham (his brother in law). His father in law was 'Blackjack Mulligan.
bella twins
There are not entrance fees for the wrestlers, they don't pay to wrestle, they get paid to wrestle and they are paid by whatever their contract states.
about 3 hrs
WWE has a strict policy on their superstars taking drugs.
Autism is NOT a virus, it's a neurone disorder. No, no WWE wrestlers have Autism.
Because they have more experienc and are a bigger draw
The wrestlers who are currently dating in WWE are CM Punk and AJ Lee and Ric Flair and Jacqueline Beems.
the wwe wrestlers help children for the "make a wish foundation". so quite evidently.
I think there are/were loads of Aussie wrestlers in wwe.. check out http://www.obsessedwithwrestling.com/profiles/Australian.htmlHope it helps
by showing the finisher to the wwe universe on one of wwe wrestlers
after every match they have
yes they are real