* a device that responds to mechanical strain. with a small change in resistance. ... * device for determining the amount of strain (change in dimensions) when a stress is applied
strain has no unit
advantages of the strain rosette analysis
oliver twist oliver twist
Lil Twist is 17 and is turning 18 in 2011.
"Torsional strain" is the strain induced by applying torque. Basically, it is the strain imposed on a body by twisting it. (Such as the strain that a bolt endures when you use a wrench on it.)
Its called a strain
The term defined as a twist, pull, or tear is "strain." It refers to an injury to a muscle or tendon resulting from overstretching or overuse. Symptoms of strain may include pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.
There is NO SUCH THING as "strain energy"Strain is the response of a system to an applied stress. When a material is loaded with a force, it produces a stress, which then causes a material to deform. Engineering strain is defined as the amount of deformation in the direction of the applied force divided by the initial length of the material.Thus the energy is the FORCE - the stress.The stresses present in a fault system are caused by the convection currents in Earth's mantle (driven by the heat in Earth's core). Once the stress builds up to a point that exceeds the strength of the rocks comprising the fault system, the rock fractures and moves and this is the strain.
The strain theory is a state of deviation from bond angle of a normal tetrahedral angle.
In science, strain refers to the deformation or distortion of a material due to an applied force or stress. It is a measure of how much a material stretches or compresses when subjected to an external load. Strain can be expressed as either a ratio or a percentage change in length or shape of a material.
initially there is the linear elastic region which obeys the hooks law :stress is directly proportional to the strain. at the end of the linear elastic region the ductile material reaches the yield point beyond which any change in dimensions become permanent. the material goes through a yield plateau in which stress is constant and the strain changes. after crossing the yield plateau the ductile material goes through the strain hardening region in which the deformation is permanent but as the region goes on the stress increases with the strain. here the strength of the ductile material increases as it is strain hardened. at a point it reaches the ultimate load point. This is the maximum load taken by the material. after which further deformation causes decrease in strength or the stress goes on decreasing finally breaking at the breaking load point. this region is called the post-ultimate region.
when the material fails
Strain energy due to torsion is the energy stored in a material when it is twisted under a torque load. It is calculated as the integral of shear stress and strain over the volume of the material. This energy represents the ability of the material to deform plastically under torsional loading.
Strain energy is a form of potential energy that is stored within a material when it is deformed or strained. When a material is subjected to external forces causing deformation, the potential energy stored in the material is referred to as strain energy. This energy is released when the material returns to its original shape, such as when a spring is compressed and then released.
Stress is the load per unit area acting within a material. It can be thought of as the internal resistive response of a material to an externally applied pressure.Strain is the change in shape of an object in response to external pressure or internal stress. To complicate matters, strain causes the transmission of stress through an object (as in simple terms the strain causes an internal "movement" causing one part of the inside of an object to press against the material next to it generating stress in this region, this in turn can cause more strain and so on!).There are a number of differing types of strain, for example axial strain is defined as the change in length relative to the original length of an object (e.g. a steel wire being stretched). This change in shape is also called deformation. Volumetric strain occurs when an object is squashed or pulled on all sides leading to a change in volume.