* Long, Cool Woman (in a black dress) - The Hollies * Cool Operator - Sade "Cool to Be a Fool" by Joe Nichols
Song titles that contain the word trip or variations of the word include "Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship." "Day Tripper" is another song with a form of the word trip in it.
"I WANT CONTROL" by sam ohla
Cool Hand Luke
Play the Game - Queen
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas.
quite a lot
Song titles that contain the word trip or variations of the word include "Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship." "Day Tripper" is another song with a form of the word trip in it.
Here are 3,099 song titles with the word "everything" in them: http://www.songmeanings.net/query/?query=everything&type=songtitles
"I WANT CONTROL" by sam ohla
Cut My Hair
Standing on the Edge
How Much a Dollar Cost
Second Hand Rose
what songs have the word stranger in the title