Song titles that contain the word trip or variations of the word include "Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship." "Day Tripper" is another song with a form of the word trip in it.
"I WANT CONTROL" by sam ohla
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas.
"The Green Green Grass of Home"
old rivers old fashioned love song old lamplighter old school
The who
The Final Countdown!
The word "Saxy" is more typically found in song titles, as a play on the word "sexy" when the music contains saxophone music. One song in particular is called "Saxy Sadie".
Whats the Word-Lil' Kim (oh yeah it kind of has some very bad use of words so do not play in front of younger people)
songs that contain the word celebrate
songs with word connection
Love Letters in the Sand, Song on the Sand
my lucky pebbles