Rihanna did not give Chris Brown std they had got into a fight and every thing else is a lie so do not belive what they say they are some lieing b***H'S
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Because rihanna slept with J-Z and got a desease from him and then passed it to chris brown when they slept together Another thing that people think happened was that Rihanna found out that Chris Brown was cheating on her when she saw is txt's, so she threw his phone out the window. Chris lost his temper, stopped the car, got out, picked up a large rock, and smashed her face with it.
Rihanna got scared in the car so she threw the keys out of the window when chris tried to drive off. And he had to go get them. and when he came back he was really angry and he apparently Choke rihanna and said that he was gonna kill her. Then she called 911 and went to the hospital. I NO THIS IS TRUE CUZ IT WAS ON THE !E! CHANNEL... becAUSE he aparently had a sexual txt from some chick and she was questioning him about it so he hit her face into the window of the car with his wenis(elbow) repeatedly=]
Piles are not a STD; but infected fluids can be in or on them.
No he does not, although he has been "around". If you get what I mean.
Yes, in 1991 Hugh had Syphillis that he got from an unknown partner that he chooses not to name.
he not in prison, hes on bail atm, apparently Rihanna Gave Chris Brown An Std So He Hit Her, Im Sure If This Is True. But Chris Brown Handed Himself Into The Police. Hope That Helped
She gave him an STD, so he hit her alot like an idiot, personally I'm sick of all that kinda crap.
Because rihanna slept with J-Z and got a desease from him and then passed it to chris brown when they slept together Another thing that people think happened was that Rihanna found out that Chris Brown was cheating on her when she saw is txt's, so she threw his phone out the window. Chris lost his temper, stopped the car, got out, picked up a large rock, and smashed her face with it.
he isn't having a child nor does he have a std
I don't know but here's my guess: I think he is mad at rihanna after what happened. And rihanna is reallyPARANOID at Chris..... the end. is she having a baby to chris brown
ShYd hEll YEA...if i WASz ChRiS i WUlddA bEAt RihANNA ASz tOO...YEW POSE tO bE Wit ME && 0NlY ME.. WAt YEW GOWEN tO GO OUt tO bE Wit SUMbOdY ELSE fOR..!!?? dAt jUSt d0Nt MAkE N0 SENSE t0 ME ..N0t WUN bit..N0t At AWl!!
if u mean herpes then i guess so chris brown should have never hit her but she gave him an STD so its pretty understanderble i would never condone violence but if thatw as me i would hit the roof also
no she gave him an std.
Helen is the official dancer for Chris Brown she started dancing for him in 2002-2009 after her and Trey Songz divorced she was the best dancer he ever had the best song she danced off was "Yo Excuse Me Miss" the song that made Chris Brown Popular Trey songz was once caught cheatin in Helen with the rapper Kat Stacks and she was once caught cheatin in him with Chris Brown when trey gave her 3 STD's she filed for divorce
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> int main() { std::fstream f("myfile.txt", std::ios::in | std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc); if (!f.bad()) { // write to file f << "The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" << std::endl; f.close(); // read from file f.open("myfile.txt", std::ios::in); std::cout << f.rdbuf(); f.close(); } }