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I'll say burn fireblaze but it depends on the person, stadium and equipment

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Earth virgo and thermal pieses

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Q: What Metal Fusion Beyblade can Best Earth Pegasus 105WD?
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What are the Beyblade so far in Beyblade metal fusion episode 52?

Flame Sagitario,Storm Pegasus, Rock Leon,Dark Wolf,Dark Bull,Madagasher,Storm Aquario, Rock Aries,Earth Eagle,Rock Orso, Storm Syber,Rock Scorpio, Flame Libra, Poison Serpent,Fire Blaze,Lightning L-Drago,Evil Gemios,Thermal Pisces,Storm Capricorn, Dark Gasher, and Earth Virgo

Which Beyblade metal fusion toy have gravity ball spin track?

Earth Virgo does- not sure of any others. I would love to know

Can metal fusion Beyblades rust?

Maybe, but it takes a wile. it also depends on which blade your talking about. Dark bull will rust, storm pegasus will rust, rock Leone will rst, and so will ldrgo and earth eagle. i suggest using anti rust spray every week to keep them clean. it will keep them strong and clean.

Is the ms Beyblades the best Beyblades to buy?

1. Ray Striker 2. Ultimate Meteo L Drago Assault 3. Meteo L Drago 4. Ultimate Lightning L Drago Rush 5. Lightning L Drago 6. Poison Pegasus 7. Galaxy Pegasus 8. Legend Cyber Pegasus 9. Rock Pegasus 10. Storm Pegasus 11. Hades Kerbecs 12. Flame Byxis 13. Evil Befall 14. Ultimate Gravity Destroyer Attack 15. Ultimate Gravity Destroyer Stamina 16. Gravity Destroyer 17. Bakushin Susanow 18. Storm Aquario 19. Storm Capricorn 20. Evil Gemios Go to Google Images and type ultimate gravity destroyer stamina is it exits.

What are the 10 worst metal fusion beyblades?

#1 is storm Capricorn because is stays up for like 20 seconds. #2 is storm peagisus besause it has pore stamina and aweful defence. #3 is lightning L drago because it has kinda okay stamina but only 2% defence. #4 is thermal Pisces has amazing stamina but..... that is only what it has. #5 is dark wolf because it has a crudy performance but other that that it is pretty good. #6 is earth wolf wich is the same as dark wolf accept it has more stamina. #7 is poisin serpent. #8 is flame sagitario #9 is golden l drago (same as lightning L drago) #10 is dark gasher NO NO NO, THIS LIST IS SOOO WRONG, ALL THESE BEYS ARE AWSM. STORM PEGASUS HAS GREAT DEFENSE CUZ OF THE RUBBER TIP. STORM PEGASUS CAN BEAT LIGHTNING L-DRAGO. THERMAL PICSES FUSION WHEEL HAS AWSM DEFENSE, STAMINA AND BALANCE. IT HAS ONE OF THE BEST STAMINA TIPS. IT CAN DO THE MOVE DISTORTION DRIVE IN THE REAL WORLD. FLAME SAGITTARIO HAS AWSM STAMINA. GOD, SO MANY DUMB BLADERS DON'T DESERVE TO WRITE ANSWERS.

Related questions

Which is the best Beyblade in metal fusion?

well i think meteo l - drago is good but lightning l -drago is the best i tried him in a battle against earth eagle burn Phoenix and mad gasher he won ; mad gasher = 10 earth eagle =13 burn Phoenix = 15 lightning L - Drago =22 i alos think lighting l drago is the best I think it is Earth Pegasus 105wd and if anyone can beat this beyblade, answer my question, What Metal Fusion Beyblade can beat Earth Pegasus 105WD? this is rkrocks ..... cyber pegasus beat earth pegasus

What Beyblade Metal Fusion Beyblade can beat Earth Pegasus 105WD?

Storm Aquario 100HF/S has shown good speed and attack power that can overpower Earth Pegasus 105WD in battle due to its aggressive performance tips and design features. Additionally, Ray Striker D125CS is another contender with its fast movement and solid attack capabilities that can outmaneuver and defeat Earth Pegasus 105WD.

Where can you get the most powerful Beyblade meateal fusion?

at toysrus. it is flame libra earth wolf burn fireblaze rock pegasus and evil pycies

What can beat Earth Pegasus 105WD?

probably meteo l drago or earth wolf or earth Virgo or earth eagle or rock pegasis that is all i know

Which is the best metalfusion Beyblade?

The best metal fusion beyblade is probably earth eagle, but the best combo is: Fireblaze (Burn Fireblaze), Burn (Burn Fireblaze), 105 (Storm Pegasus), and WB (Rock Leone)

What is is the most powerful Beyblade?

its storm pegasus,meteo l drago, cyber pegasus,galaxy pegasus big bang pegasus, fang leone,earth eagle and flame libra

Is there such thing as earth aquila in Beyblade metal fusion?

No, there is no Beyblade called Earth Aquila in Beyblade Metal Fusion. However, there is a Beyblade called Earth Eagle in the Metal Fusion series, which represents the Earth element.

What is the name of powerful beyblade of metal fusion?

For attack: Cyber Pegasus For defense: Rock Leone For stamina: Flame Libra, Burn Fireblaze For balance: Dark Wolf, Earth Eagle

what is the best beyblade fusion wheel?

That would be the Earth Eagle or Aquila

What Beyblade metal fusion is on first rank?

its earth eagle or ray unicorno

What is the best Beyblade spin track?

The best metal fusion beyblade uncustomized is Earth Eagle.

Which is a good beyblade combo i have earth eagle aquario and storm pegasus?

if you have eagle, keep him the way he is. if storm aquario, put the performance tip on Pegasus. if you have hyper aquario, put hyper on pegasus.