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A matter of opinion of course, but most would agree that Return of the King has the most exciting and moving soundtrack.

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Q: What Lord of the Rings audio CD is best?
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How can you get a Lord of Rings CD?

The easiest way go about getting a Lord of the Rings CD, DVD, or soundtrack is to order it online.

Lord of the rings Battle for middle earth where is the CD key?

The CD-Key for Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2 is located on the back of the game manual.

What brand makes the best car audio cd player?

The Kenwood eXcelon is regarded as one of the best car audio CD player on the market and it is produced by the Kenwood brand which produces this CD player.

What is audio CD?

An Audio CD is a type of CD that has audio files on it that can be read by a CD player like a stereo

Which CD player is best for audio books?

Any CD player that has good sound quality should play audio books well. You can also listen to them on apps on an iPod device that offer audio books.

What format is best to play in a home stereo system?

Home stereos could have a CD or DVD player in them. Car stereos could have a CD player in them. The 'best' format depends upon what your expectations of quality or compatibility are. For the best quality and compatibility, use CD-audio discs, with RedBook audio format. For the longest playing time, use MP3 encoded CD discs or USB media. This will not be the best quality, but will give you considerably longer playing time (typically 10x the time). Some other compressed audio formats, such as APE and FLAC exist with lossless audio quality comparable to CD-audio, but are not supported on many home or car audio players.

What is the best deal on audio books on CD?

The best deal on audio books on CD would most likely be on Amazon which has great deals on electronics. They have not only a cheap initial price but cheap shipping as well.

What is an audio CD?

An audio CD is a compact disc containing audio data according to the Red Book standard.

What does MP3 stands in an audio CD?

If there is mp3 in an standard audio CD, it is on a data track, and thus not playable on a regular CD player because it is not an audio track.

How do you copy Dvd to audio CD only to play on CD player?

you can use DVD audio ripper to rip audio from DVD and then play on CD player

How many megabytes of data can a factory made audio CD audio?

An audio CD typically can hold up to 700 MB.

Are Graphics displayed while audio CD playing on a ps2?

There are no graphics to display on an Audio CD