In the movie - and in the book - the character's real name was Tom Marvolo Riddle. He didn't like his "common" name "Tom", and invented the name "Voldermot" instead.
A video game movie with real people is Silent Hill.
maniac magees real name is mentiond in the very beginning of the book and the movie but his name is Jeffrey Lionel Magee
King Leonidas
Green Bee's real name is Ethan Sholdger, but the actor playing him is Evan Nieva.
Squid's real name is Alan. I'm not sure he has a last name.
Lord Voldermort dies in Deathly Hallows.
Tom Riddle lives under the alias of Voldemort. In the films, Voldemort is played by British actor Ralph Fiennes.
Voldermort does not have a wife but Bellatrix and Voldermort has a child named Dephini.
Voldermort. JB
Voldermort. (Twice.)
find out horcruxes and kill voldermort
the name in the movie orphan as (Esther) her name is Isabelle Fuhman
Her real name is Vanessa, but Gabriella is her name in the movie.
From what movie? Fool...
It depends. As Lord Voldemort, he has no last name, but his true identity is Tom Riddle.