I'm not sure what movie you're talking about but I won't back down is by TOM Petty
Tom Petty and Johnny Cash both wrote songs called "I won't back down". It's a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song originally and Johnny Cash covers it in his album American III
Mellowdrone- Orange Marmalade
time want let me go
I want to know what the name of the songs on the movie Never Back Down.
I Won't Back Down is the 1989 single by Tom Petty
Tom Petty
"I Won't Back Down"
Mr. dancers dancys Drag me down the river and buffalo run
The Rescuers Down Under
fern gully
recovery by eminem or full moon fever by tom petty
Tom Petty and Johnny Cash both wrote songs called "I won't back down". It's a Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers song originally and Johnny Cash covers it in his album American III
Tom Petty
The songs performed were "American Girl," "I Won't Back Down," "Free Fallin' " and "Runnin' Down a Dream."
Never Back Down