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Q: What CD is Fatal Attraction on by Chris Brown?
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What is the name if Chris Brown's first CD?

The name of Chris Brown's first CD is, Chris Brown.

What is the name of Chris Browns first CD?


What Chris Brown CD has with you on it?

Chris Brown Exclusive

Chris Brown next CD?

well. Chris Brown's first CD is called 'Chris Brown' his second CD is called 'The Exclusive' his third CD is called 'Graffiti' and his next CD is called F.A.M.E

What was the first CD Chris Brown?

The first Chris Brown CD was actually intitled Chris Brown, and his latest album is intitled Exclusive.

Does Chris Brown have a new CD?

Chris Brown's latest CD that came out was called Graffiti. In the spring of 2011, Chris Brown said he will release a new CD called F.A.M.E.

What is the name of Chris Brown's new CD?

Chris Brown's new CD is F.A.M.E. It came out on March 22, 2011.

How many cd's do Chris Brown have?

Chris brown have more than you can count number of cds!

Was run it by Chris Brown a song a his CD or the name of the CD?

it was a song.

When is chris Brown's CD grafitti coming out?


What is Chris Bron's first ever CD called?

chris brown

Chris Browns first CD name?

"Chris Brown" his 1st albium.