Most likely not. Piggy was, but others mention their parents. They may have died in the war, especially Jack's dad, a soldier, but the book never actually says that they do. We only know for sure that Piggy is an orphan.
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
The boys are savages, so they don't control the flies. Also, the lord of the flies is far away from castle rock, so they don't have to deal with it.
The boys home country is England.
The last group of boys to arrive at the first meeting in Lord of the Flies are a choir led by head boy Jack Merridew.
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
On the Island
The smaller boys in 'Lord of the Flies' are known as "littluns." They are the younger boys who are not part of the older boys' group.
The boys are savages, so they don't control the flies. Also, the lord of the flies is far away from castle rock, so they don't have to deal with it.
lord of the flies
The boys home country is England.
They were found by the military.
Jack and the choir boys.
The last group of boys to arrive at the first meeting in Lord of the Flies are a choir led by head boy Jack Merridew.
to go hunting