You may be thinking of the movie "Quarantine" which has a German Shepard in it that is infected with a new strain of Rabies that goes cross species into humans as part of a biological attack by a doomsday cult, or perhaps the film "Man's Best Friend" but that has a genetically modified Doberman in it.
Australian Shepherd
Resident Evil Resident Evil
Shadow is a Belgian Malinois. They can be easily mistaken for a German Shepherd but are actually a completely different breed.
Diggs is a German shepherd,catherine is a charcoal cat and seamus is a pigeon
Rin Tin Tin, hollywoods first German Shepherd!
bolt is an american white shepherd dog not a white german shepherd people mistake it as a white german shepherd because they look like german shepherds
German Shepherd.
German shepherd is my guess
No. It is a swiss shepherd
There are different types of German Shepherd breeds, including the American German Shepherd, the West German Shepherd, the East German Shepherd, and the British German Shepherd. Each type has its own unique characteristics and traits.
"Shepherd of Evil" is an example of a metaphor, comparing someone to a shepherd who leads or guides evil actions or behaviors.
German shepherd
i have a German shepherd and a labrador my German shepherd is more friendly
Smith and Abbey - the German shepherd in Will Smith's movie I Am Legend.
german shepherd