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Q: What movie has good triumphs evil?
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I am not sure that the book or the movie has a "moral", but I would say the theme is obviously good v. evil, and that good triumphs.

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There are many conclusions that can be drawn from the information in Cartoons. One can conclude that good triumphs over evil for example.

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The story themes of the last Olympian are that "good, in the end, will always overcome evil."

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Do a quick inventory of what I believe, throw out the doubts and questions and stand firm in the knowledge that good triumphs over evil.

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That battle would end in a draw since good only triumphs over evil.

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De-creation is when sin triumphs over evil. Genesis is like a 3 act play: Creation------God creates (and everything is good) De-creation--Sin destroyes Re-creation--God saves In de-creation, sin triumphs over evil and that is the cause of the shortening life spans.

What is De-creation?

De-creation is when sin triumphs over evil. Genesis is like a 3 act play: Creation------God creates (and everything is good) De-creation--Sin destroyes Re-creation--God saves In de-creation, sin triumphs over evil and that is the cause of the shortening life spans.

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He is good, Zouroark is his mom

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Yes, the witch is the queen who tries to kill Snow White.