No he was never voted the sexiest man alive, or made it on to any of "sexiest" lists.
There were only 3 men ever voted the sexiest man alive in People's magazine, so I've been told by my mother.
Channing Tatom was named by People magazine to be the sexyest man alive of 2012!
The sexiest member is widely debated. Personally, i think Mark Owen or Jason Orange is the sexiest, but all other fans i know say Gary Barlow. It's your opinion. Well, this is mainly a matter of personal opinion, but, I would say Gary Barlow. Although, Howard Donald got voted "most tragic haircut", and Robbie Williams voted saddest loser of 1995. Source:
It is very difficult to say as popularity of entertainers change. Some of the most popular would be: Micheal Jackson Elvis Presley
I was wondering the same thing. He's so hawt ;) lol but: Naveen Andrews was married to Barbara Hershey who is an actress but broke up in 2009. Barbara Hershey was twenty one years older than Naveen Andrews. In 2005 he was voted as the sexiest survivalist in people magazine. ;D)))
he was voted to be the sexiest man alive
People magazine voted Patrick Swayze the "Sexiest Man Alive" in 1991.
There were only 3 men ever voted the sexiest man alive in People's magazine, so I've been told by my mother.
Sean Connery was voted Sexiest Man Alive in 2000.
Leona Lewis and Anthony Kiedis were voted world's sexiest vegetarian celebrities of 2008.
Her majestic The Queen
In 2008 & 2009 she was voted kerrang's readers poll's sexiest female. In 2009 she was voted shockwave's and Los Prmios MTV Latinoamerica's sexiest female.
Jessica Alba was voted the sexiest woman in 2007. Her career as an actress began in 1994 with a variety of opportunities including commercials, independent films, television shows and Hollywood movies.
Megan Fox, duuh! :)
I won't necessarily call these academic achievements but in high school Michael was voted Most creative, shyest and best dressed.
Robert Pattinson was (aka Edward cullen-----Twilight)
Kirsten Gum