A list of paintings by Casper David Friedrich can be found at typical online stores like Amazon or eBay. In addition one can find Friedrich's paintings at caspardavidfriedrich online.
Peter Callesen's work is influenced by Romanticism art and inspired by the painter of romanticism - Casper David Friedrich, the19th-century artist
Caspar David Friedrich was born on September 5, 1774.
Caspar David Friedrich was born on September 5, 1774.
Caspar David Friedrich in his Studio was created in 1819.
The cast of Caspar David Friedrich - Gedankenmaler der Romantik - 2007 includes: Marco Bahr as Caspar David Friedrich Karoline Hugler as Caroline Friedrich Uwe Poppe as Ramdor Manuel Ruprecht as Caspar David Friedrich als Kind
Caspar David Friedrich died on May 7, 1840 at the age of 65.
Caspar David Friedrich died on May 7, 1840 at the age of 65.
Caspar David Friedrich was born on September 5, 1774 and died on May 7, 1840. Caspar David Friedrich would have been 65 years old at the time of death or 240 years old today.
Divorced but in a relationship with Casper smart
he's getting married
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