yes yes indeede he did do his fair share in charity work in areas such as create toys and films for young children which were distributed out around the world. he also stole toys from rich people and give them to the less fortunite
What contributions did Walt Disney make? Walt Disney made lots of contributions. Here is a couple for you to know about Walt Disney. # When Walt was younger he was hired to work at the Kansas City Star newspaper. He was later fired from the paper because of lack of creativity. Years later The Disney Company bought ABC which owned The Kansas City Star. How strange that he was fired because he was not creative enough and years later you own them because of your creativeness. # He won more Oscars than anyone else, he won 32 # his first academy award was for best character (which was Mickey mouse)
# When Walt was younger he was hired to work at the Kansas City Star newspaper. He was later fired from the paper because of lack of creativity. Years later The Disney Company bought ABC which owned The Kansas City Star. How strange that he was fired because he was not creative enough and years later you own them because of your creativeness. # He won more Oscars than anyone else, he won 32 # his first academy award was for best character (which was Mickey mouse) #
Contrary to popular belief Walt Disney did not invent Cartoons. The first animated cartoon was Fantasmagorie. It is a 1908 French animated film by Émile Cohl. Disney and his brother Roy got into the animated cartoon business in 1923.In 1937, Disney created the first sound and color animated feature film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Whether this was positive contribution is questionable as the idea would have evolved eventually.
During the second world war hw made a number of patriotic and racist Propaganda moves. These racist cartoon were cute popular and included classic Disney movies like Song of the South.
He built one of the original theme parks Disneyland, followed by a string of similar theme parks some of which cratered due to their Americal-centric nature.
His theme parks were exceptional in getting the most from employees and from the cash customers and his firm lead many courses in transferring this information to other firms.
WInnie the Pooh
walt disney is because many little kids grow up watching it
Walt Framer's birth name is Walter H. Framer.
Walt Robbins was born on October 18, 1888, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
you call the Walt Disney resort and ask for it.
A lot
Scott Lewis
Walt Disneys insperation was his imagination and also his lovoly wife.
da ocean
It was different at different ages.
Elias Disney
Goffy And Donald
his hair was black.
He had lung cancer