Davin Robbins was born on March 22, 1977, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Skeeter Bill Robbins was born on July 16, 1887, in Glen Rock, Wyoming, USA.
Janey Robbins was an adult film star who's career was in full swing in the 80's. She was born Robin Lieberman, but there is no record of when she was born.
Walt Disney was born in Tripp avenue in Chicago's Hermosa community area.
Claire Robbins was born on January 20, 1986, in Portland, Oregon, USA.
Walt Robbins's birth name is Robbins, Walter.
Walt Robbins is 5' 4".
Walt Robbins died on July 13, 1965, in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Alwyn Robbins was born in 1920.
Cory Robbins was born in 1957.
Wendy Robbins was born in 1963.
Tod Robbins was born in 1888.
Dave Robbins was born in 1923.
Keith Robbins was born in 1940.
Apollo Robbins was born in 1973.
Trina Robbins was born in 1938.
Alexandra Robbins was born in 1976.