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Initially Jack painted his face as an aid to hunting, as a form of camoflague tio prevent the pigs from spotting him amongst the foliage and patches of shade in the jungle. But Jack quickly discovered that the paint also served as a mask, behind which he could do as he pleased without any feelings of remorse, regret, decency, shame or guilt. The painting of faces became an act of liberation which allowed the wearer of the paint to do anything that they wanted.

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15y ago

Jack uses wet red and white clay and makes black marks with a stick of charcoal. His purpose is to replicate the effect of "dazzle paint" which was used in the two World Wars to break up the outline of ships. He wishes to camaoflague himself so that the pigs won't spot him in amonst the jungle foliage and patches of shade. Once he applies the paint however Jack also becomes aware that "behind the mask" of his painted face he is free from all restraints and responsibilities, he can in effect do what he pleases.

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15y ago

Jack was the boy who first had the idea to use face and body paint. In chapter three he had mentioned to Ralph that he suspected that the pigs didn't smell him but saw him as something pink among the trees. In the following chapter Jack experimented with applying red and white clay along with black lines made with charcoal. The initial idea was to use the paint as camouflage to enable the hunters to merge into the background but the paint had an unexpected additional effect. While wearing the face paint it acted as a form of mask which divorced the wearer from his own actions. A boy wearing paint could do anything he wanted without any feelings of shame, remorse or guilt because he felt that he was just an onlooker and the 'painted savage' was really responsible.

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15y ago

Jack was the boy who first had the idea to use face and body paint. In chapter three he had mentioned to Ralph that he suspected that the pigs didn't smell him but saw him as something pink among the trees. In the following chapter Jack experimented with applying red and white clay along with black lines made with charcoal. The initial idea was to use the paint as camouflage to enable the hunters to merge into the background but the paint had an unexpected additional effect. While wearing the face paint it acted as a form of mask which divorced the wearer from his own actions. A boy wearing paint could do anything he wanted without any feelings of shame, remorse or guilt because he felt that he was just an onlooker and the 'painted savage' was really responsible.

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15y ago

The face paint- A camouflage as they hunt pigs and separate themselves from Ralph's tribe.

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7y ago

To camouflage himself while he was hunting.

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12y ago

To kill the pig

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Q: Use of war paint in Lord of the Flies?
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Who said i'd like to put on war paint and be a savage lord of the flies?


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The war going on in "Lord of the Flies" is World War II.

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Violence, breakdown of society, darkness, language, war, relationships, the lord of the flies

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Yes, "Lord of the Flies" takes place during a fictional war, not specifically World War 2.

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The book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding was copyrighted in 1954.

Why does Ralph refuse to paint faces in lord of the flies?

Ralph refuses to paint faces in "Lord of the Flies" because he believes it is unnecessary and a waste of time. He values practical tasks that will help them be rescued rather than focusing on superficial appearances like the boys who paint their faces. Additionally, Ralph sees painting faces as a regression to savagery and a symbol of their descent into chaos on the island.

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yes. The lord of the flies is set during the early cold war, and a hypothetical unspecified nuclear exchange.

Who said id like to put on war paint and be a savage and why is it important lord o the flies?

The quote "I'd like to put on war paint and be a savage" was said by Jack in "Lord of the Flies". It is important because it signifies Jack's descent into savagery as he becomes increasingly obsessed with power and dominance on the island, leading to the breakdown of order and civilization among the boys. This quote highlights the theme of the loss of innocence and the destructive nature of unchecked human impulses.

In chapter 8 lord of the flies What does jack do with the blood on his hands?

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In "Lord of the Flies," the Reds are a reference to the boys led by Jack Merridew who start to wear face paint, specifically red and white clay, as a way to differentiate themselves from the other boys on the island. This distinction highlights the growing divide between the two groups and the descent into savagery.