Segregation violated the Equal Protection Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment.
Greg Kelly was dating Sara Ziff when he violated an incapacitated women. Some call it rape.
Christopher Nance was a weatherman at station KNBC-TV. He was fired after he repeatedly violated the stations policy on sexual harassment.
J3T says that his name came from "3 Tears" the name of the band he was in before Hollywood Undead. In the earlier years of Hollywood Undead, J3T was known as the Server, he wasn't pleased with it after a while so he changed his band name to Johnny Three Tears. I'm not sure where Johnny came from.
I really don't know why. Maybe since they're the opposite gender, they're fascinated by them. Some women actually love guys things, so I guess it's just human instinct or something. Just don't be violated. Hope this helps.
Apex-type question, similar question exists
It was the 14th amendment that was violated. The 14th amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws for every US citizen. Since racial minorities were being segregated, it was not an equal protection of the law
5th and 14th amendment rights were violated
It violates the 1st amendment.
Chief Justice Warren concluded that legally sanctioned segregated education was unconstitutional and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case in 1954. He stated that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal."
Freedom of speech. The first amendment
14th Amendment
The county unit system violated the 14th amendment.
Nearly EVERY amendment in the Bill of Rights has been held by the Supreme Court to have been violated at one point or another, except the Third.
The Sixth Amendment
the enforcement clause