I really don't know why. Maybe since they're the opposite gender, they're fascinated by them. Some women actually love guys things, so I guess it's just human instinct or something. Just don't be violated. Hope this helps.
All humans, both male and female, have nipples. The only way a person will not have nipples is if they have been surgically removed. If someone should be born without nipples (either male or female) this is an abormality. Related link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nipples
under his nipples
Nope. Playing with your nipples feels amazing. Lots of girls play with their nipples because it makes them feel good.
it depends on how big the person is if your smaller you are more tickley if you bigger you dont feel a thing
Genetics,,, I once had A girlfriend that had nipples that were undetectable without your eyes.
Men don't "have to," but it is weird if he does not because EVERYONE, men & women, have nipples.
Shaved obvs, hairy nipples look like spiders like bevans
No one does they want a soft looking nipple but big chest but small nipples
Because it looks awesome when you do. If you like BDSM they can have some utility there.
Men have nipples because all embryos start out with the same basic body plan, which includes developing nipples before sexual differentiation occurs.
Most gay men enjoying having their nipples pinched, sucked, bite on while having sex. Overtime their nipples will become more erect and grow in size. A: What rubbish! Gay men's nipples are just the same as any man's.
mens nipples serve as sensory probes for to protect their chest, much like whiskers on a cat or eye lashes above an eye.
Yes hairy nipples are normal for Men... but for girls they usually dont grow hair around the nipples.
No, you must not forget that only Hawaiian men with out penises can have have large breast but no nipples
the pervs of the world find woman nipples sexual but not men.