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Ewan Mcgregor. Who played Obi-wan Kenobi. His uncle played Wedge Antilles in the originals. Pretty cool huh??? I know it is!

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Q: This actor played Luke Skywalker's Uncle Owen in Star Wars?
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Yes. In the film "A New Hope," Luke and Obi-Wan learned that stormtroopers slaughtered Jawas that sold Luke's uncle R2-D2 and C-3PO. Realizing that the stormtroopers would have learned whom the droids were sold to, he rushed back to his uncle's homestead only to find it was scorched and saw the skeletons of his aunt and uncle

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Uncle Luke is the nickname for record label owner, rap performer, and actor Luther Campbell. Luther's 5th studio album, titled "Uncle Luke", was released in 1996 through his own record label (Luke Records).

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