luke skywalker but played by Mark_Hamill
(Episodes IV-VI)
(Episode III)
(Japanese dub movie trilogy)
(Japanese dub onwards)
#5, the empire strikes back. Hope we helped
Cade is Luke's grandson.
A tauntaun
Yes. You find out in Return of the Jedi (VI).
Luke Skywalker who is dolly parton
Luke Skywalker is a real name of a fictional character potrayed by a real life actor in a science-fiction film with a fictional storyline.
His name is Luke Skywalker because Darth Vader is really Anakin Skywalker.
Her name was Mara Jade Skywalker.
Darth Vader, who's real name is Anakin Skywalker, has two children, twins. They are Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa (Princess Leia). They were separated at birth after the death of their mother. By a twist of fate, both of them end up fighting against their own father.
Luke Skywalker
His actual name is Luke Skywalker. He is usually called Luke.
Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles co-form the Rogue Squadron.
No. Luke Skywalker is a fictional character.
Luke Skywalker was named by his mother Amidala at the end of Episode 3 at his birth.Luke was played by Mark Hamill in Episode 4,5 and 6.
Anakin Skywalker was secretly married to Senator Padme Amidala. When he had a vision of her dying in childbirth, he "made a pact with the devil" (the devil being Palpatine/Darth Sidious/the Emperor.) When Padme learned what Anakin had done, her heart broke so bad that she lost the will to live, but she lived long enough to give birth to Luke and Leia
Luke Skywalker's paternal grandparents are Shmi Skywalker and Cliegg Lars. Shmi Skywalker was Anakin Skywalker's mother, while Cliegg Lars was the husband of Shmi and the step-grandfather of Luke.
luke skywalker