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it involes love and whe n that happens they look into each others eyes

and its an imprint.

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Q: The process of imprinting involves the process of what?
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What is it called when wolves pair up in twilight?


What actually does wolf imprinting means?

In the 'Twilight' series of books by Stephanie Meyer, the werewolves imprint upon humans. What this 'imprinting' means is that it is basically just falling passionately, intensely and madly in love with whoever it is that they choose to imprint with. For example, in the 'New Moon' novel, Sam Uley, the leader of the werewolf pack, imprints upon Emily. Upon imprinting on the young woman, he loses interest in all other women, and Emily becomes like the centre of his universe. Imprinting works both ways, though, meaning that Emily will love Sam just as strongly as he loves her. Edward Cullen describes imprinting as nearly the way that he feels about Bella Swan - true love. But imprinting does not always necessarily mean LOVE (as in romantic love). Imprinting means that they will become, for you, whatever you need. If you need a friend, they are your very best friend. If you need a brother/sister, that is what they become for you.

What is imprinting in Mockingjay?

I think you might have Twilight and the Hunger Games mixed up...

How does Jacob Black describe imprinting?

Jacob Black is sad because he doesn't like his life at home with Bella. He secretly wants to be a vampire

Do humans imprint on each other?

Assuming that you mean imprint, as in the imprinting in the Twilight saga, and assuming you are asking if humans in the Twilight saga imprint, then the answer is no. Imprinting in the Twilight saga is werewolves-only. However, some people in the real world do believe in the whole "Love at first sight" thing. Many people do fall in love at the first sight of people. It's really up to you, if you believe in love at first sight, then yes humans do imprint in a way. If you don't believe in love at first sight, then no they don't imprint at all.

Related questions

What are the two types of imprinting that occur?

The two types of imprinting that occur are filial imprinting, which is the bonding process that occurs between offspring and their parents, and sexual imprinting, which is the process where an individual forms a preference for potential mates based on the characteristics of individuals they were exposed to during their early development.

What is the chemical basis of gene imprinting?

Gene imprinting involves the addition of methyl groups to specific regions of DNA, a process known as DNA methylation. This methylation pattern is established during early development and can result in certain genes being silenced based on whether they were inherited from the mother or the father. It plays a critical role in regulating gene expression and cellular differentiation.

What is the purpose of imprinting?

Imprinting is a biological process that helps newborn animals form an attachment to their caregivers. It ensures that the animal recognizes and bonds with its parents, enabling them to receive care, protection, and socialization essential for their survival and development.

Ducklings will sometimes treat a person as their mother what is this an example of?

This is an example of imprinting, a process where a young animal forms an attachment to the first moving object it sees after hatching. The ducklings associate the person with their mother figure and follow them accordingly.

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A process that involves ion pump is called?

a process that involves ion pump is called

What is parental conflict theory of imprinting?

A widely accepted hypothesis for the evolution of genomic imprinting is the "parental conflic.

What is the difference between x-inactivation and genomic imprinting?

X-inactivation is a process in female mammals where one of the two X chromosomes is inactivated to equalize gene expression with males. Genomic imprinting involves the expression of genes depending on the parent of origin. In X-inactivation, the choice of which X chromosome to inactivate is random, whereas in genomic imprinting, gene expression is specifically determined by whether the gene came from the mother or father.

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the process of brainstorming invoves

Does imprinting take place in humans?

No, imprinting is limited to birds and a few other animals. Humans form attachments.

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What phenomenon occurs when a particular alelle will either be expressed or silenced depending on whether it is inherited from a male or female?

Genomic imprinting is the phenomenon where a particular allele is expressed or silenced depending on whether it is inherited from the mother or the father. This process is regulated by epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation that affect gene expression without altering the underlying DNA sequence.