Mrs. Elizabeth Loring. She was taken from Boston by General William Howe to Philadelphia. Mr. Loring was OK with arrangement, as long as he still got to see her often.
Rena Howes is a leading light in the science of supurating kyphosis their causes and their effects of the exastentialistic holistiness of being..
Joah Colby's birth name is Joah Elias Colby-Milbrath.
Simon's wife's name is Francesca. Ben's wife's name is Louise. James' wife's name is Lynne.
Elias Zayek is 5' 8".
Sarah, mark and Robert
Will Howes's birth name is William Brampton Howes.
Reed Howes's birth name is Hermon Reed Howes.
Bobby Howes's birth name is Charles Robert William Howes.
the name Howes originated from the United States.
Buddy Elias's birth name is Elias, Bernhard.
Hal Elias's birth name is Harold Elias.
Walt Disney's parents names were Flora Disney and Elias Disney. Mikey's parents were named Elias Mouse and Lillian Mouse. (Lillian being his wife)
Elias Andreato's birth name is Elias Vicente Andreato.
Elias Kassner's birth name is Elias-Lanoo Kassner.
Al Elias's birth name is Albert Sahley Elias.
Blas Elias's birth name is Blas Elias Gomez.