She didn't leave the band until the Airplane had morphed into Jefferson Starship. She left the band after the album Earthwas released in 1978 and was replaced by male singer Mickey Thomas on the next album, Freedom at Point Zero.
me noemi
A Famous Female Mathematician.
betty white
Ban Zhao was an accomplished mathematician, astronomer, and poet. She is most famous female scholar.
Jefferson Airplane
Heart Cold Blood, Smith, Jefferson Airplane/Starship, Earthen Vessel, the Carpenters, Fairport Convention, Steeleye Span, Curved Air, Fleetwood Mac, Joy of Cooking, Moonstone, These Trails, the Poppy Family, Renaissance, Bermuda Triangle, Skyfarmer, Spriguns, Stone Angel, Stoneground, & Trees.
Song was first done by a SF band called the Great Society, which featured Grace Slick as female vocalist. She took the song with her when she joined Jefferson Airplane, who is the band performing the version most people have heard.
A female airplane pilot is simply a pilot. She could be a Captain.
For being the first African American female to earn an airplane license as well as the first American to have an international license
Captain Erica Hernandez of Columbia NX 02
The first female airplane designer was Elsie Macgill. She was a Canadian who was born in 1905 and was not only the first female airplane designer, she was also the world's first female aeronautical engineer.
Musically not much. They started out as the Jefferson Airplane and had a pretty female lead singer with a foghorn voice named Grace Slick. She wrote some potent, vengeful sounding songs, like White Rabbit and Two Heads. White Rabbit was a drug-oriented version of Alice in Wonderland and became a classic hit. It remains by the best thing they have done. When Grace is not singing the band is mediocre at best, with cluttered sounds and not much punch. They were hugely popular but had no lasting effect on the musical scene.
They are scientists who became famous and happen to be female.
madam therese peltier is the first female to fly an aeroplane
Male and Female crew members are both called Flight Attendants
I believe an up and comer famous female singer is Charice Pempemgo