The line through middle C is referred to as a ledger. Alternating notes that fall below C will contain another ledger line. The purpose is to let musicians know how much lower than E they are getting.
the legar line
movie is called Hardcore with George C Scott
In a string orchestra, the instrument with the lowest pitch is the Bass (also called Double Bass, String Bass, Upright Bass, and Contrabass)
Violin music is written using the treble clef.
Freddie Bensons real name is Nathan Kress.
the legar line
Alto clef actually indicates the position of middle C. Whatever line goes through the center of the clef is C.
yes, the middle line of the alto clef is a c
There are three notes between the bass and treble staves. The D is placed just below the bottom line of the treble staff. The note below that is middle C. This note is written with a line through it called a ledger line. Below middle C is the note B. The B is placed just above the top line of the bass staff.
That's called a Slur
sorry but its quite obvious ........... because its a note c and its in the middle
You need to draw a small supplementary line below the staff. Then the middle C will be right on top of it.
middle c
Middle CMiddle C
Because its almost in the centre (middle) of all the keys and the note is a c =)
It is B Edit: Top line of Bass Clef is A. One ledger line above the bass clef would be C. (Middle C if you were reading piano grand staff). The second ledger line would be E. The second ledger line above the staff in bass clef is E. Not B.
it's just the symbols for "cent", like how $ is the symbol for "dollar"