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Li Kwang took the saddle and put it on his own horse. Without his control, the horse rode to a cave where a girl accompanied him. The girl took him into a room where he suddenly turned to stone. Out of the shadows, Master Wu came and said that he would stay that way until he helped Prince Jen.

A robber named Natha Yellow scarf stole the sword. When he brought it to his followers, he found that the sword sliced through anything without force. At night the sword whispered "Give me to drink." Natha did not care about the mysterious noise and took the sword on a rampage throughout the country killing many people.

Voyaging Moon was given the Flute, and after a terrible storm, was separated from Jen. She found an inn where she played the flute for all of the people in order to get food. The flute enchanted everyone and made them all happy.

Prince Jen gave the kite to a little girl named Fragrance of Orchid. One day the little girl was playing with the kite and was lifted off the ground and carried to a nest where she met a bird named Niang-niang. The bird could talk and they both soared through the skies together.

Prince Jen gave the paintbox to a man named Chen-cho. When the man painted a picture he could walk into it and out of it as much as he wanted. Inside the painting he found a tiger named Lao-hu. The tiger could also come out of the picture as much as he wanted. The two became good friends and painted many pictures together.

The bowl was wrongfully given to a man named Fat-choy. Every night money would appear in the bowl and every night it was filled with twice the coins that appeared the night before. One day court officials came to hsi door and arrested him because someone had stolen money from a bank and he jsut happened to have the same amount that was stolen.

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