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So the first stanza is talking about how we're always speaking and dreaming of a better day.

In the meantime, the days are silently slipping away.

Again it states how the days are passing in line five, and then says, and yet we're still speaking of a better future, a better day

In the second stanza, it first says how, as a baby, you go into the world with hope.

And as a child you still have hope for the future. Remember when you were little and you had dreams you wanted to fulfill someday like when an adult asked you wanted to be when you grew up and you just knew you wanted to be a pilot.

Then, when you turned into a teen and into an adult, you had a chance to fulfill those hopes and dreams.

I think what the author is trying to say in the last line is that, whether or not it's true, when you're old, hope has an even greater meaning, you play wit it more. I've never bee 'old' so i wouldn't know if this is true.

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βˆ™ 4mo ago

"Hope" by Friedrich von Schiller is a philosophical poem that explores the concept of hope as a driving force in human life. The poem emphasizes the power of hope to inspire individuals to overcome adversity and achieve their goals. Schiller suggests that hope is essential for maintaining resilience and optimism in the face of challenges, highlighting its importance in shaping human behavior and attitudes.

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