Since the episode Departure marks the end of the Naruto series, the next episode would be the first episode of the Naruto Shippuden series, Homecoming.
Episode 190 in naruto,pre-shippuden,but still in the first naruto series. It's in the filler episodes
i think 8 u can watch them on,,and u have to watch it in Japanese and there are subtitles in English on, and u can watch the episodes that played on tv in America in English (censored) and episodes on in japan in Japanese with English subtitles.
Naruto comes back to the village on the first episode of Naruto Shippuden.
His first teacher was Iruka-Sensei when Naruto was at first training in the Ninja Academy.
it's a continuing of Naruto series, but Shippuuden series is a few years later than first series, that means first Naruto series has ended and Shippuuden is "a few years later"
Sad news, it probably will not unless another network picks it up.. Even then if they do they'll show Naruto ep1-220 first then Shippuuden... They are showing it on w/ subtitiles
It's just called "Naruto". The time skip series is called "Naruto Shippuden".
Sakura loves Sasuke in the first series of Naruto but in the second series she starts to fall for Naruto because *SPOLIER* Sasuke left .
Since the episode Departure marks the end of the Naruto series, the next episode would be the first episode of the Naruto Shippuden series, Homecoming.
Yes; Naruto Uzumaki is not a homosexual. Throughout the first series ("Naruto"), he is seen to be "in love" or crushing on Sakura.
Naruto's first love interest was Sakura Haruno. Throughout the series, Naruto harbored feelings for Sakura, but she initially had feelings for Sasuke Uchiha instead. Eventually, Sakura's feelings towards Naruto evolved into a deep friendship rather than a romantic relationship.
In the series, the first one who thought of the name was Jiraya, it was the name of the main character in his first book.Outside the series, the name was invented by Masashi Kishimoto, the creator the series.
because he doesn't feel like dying.
Episode 190 in naruto,pre-shippuden,but still in the first naruto series. It's in the filler episodes
Yes, the original Naruto series concluded in November 2014 with the final episode of Naruto Shippuden. However, there is now a sequel series called Boruto: Naruto Next Generations which follows the next generation of ninjas, including Naruto's son Boruto. So while the original Naruto series has ended, the story lives on in the new generation of characters. Hope this helps!
Seeing the fact that it is the first naruto game for xbox 360 it should be.